Archive > AoC 0.6 support

Omg... Im listening Global!


Using 6.4 pre2.
Just did a maintenance restart and here is what I saw on chat log:

--- Code: ---MyBot [GROUP]   [MSG]   [~Global] Player1: need more for the chicken handler
MyBot [GROUP]   [MSG]   [~Global] Player2: LFM Black Castle quests
MyBot [GROUP]   [MSG]   [~Global] Player3: LFM Sanctum of Burning souls

--- End code ---

Looks like the bot is listening to Global Chat Channel. I never saw that before. Is that a bug or a new feature?

Check your PM inbox.
Think the problem is related to you getting wrong costum module file from me:/


Ok, new file uploaded and Global is quiet again.
Thank you.


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