I apologized for being a total noob with this. When I start the bot, I get a bunch of these error messages. The bot seems to be working but was wondering what the error is, should I be concerned about it and how to I fix it.
Data truncated for column 'craft1' at row 1MySQL ERROR(# 48) on query: INSERT IN
TO whois (id, nickname, level, class, craft1, craft2, location, online, updated)
VALUES ('33789175', 'Karada', '80', 'Herald of Xotli', 'None', 'None', 12531427
42, 0, '1253200549') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE id = VALUES(id), level = VALUES(lev
el), class = VALUES(class), craft1 = VALUES(craft1), craft2 = VALUES(craft2), on
line = VALUES(online), location = VALUES(location), updated = VALUES(updated)
It repeats this error a bunch of times but for different toons in the guild.