have a small problem with some of my guildies.
MySQL ERROR(# 419) on query: INSERT INTO whois (id, nickname, level, class, craf
t1, craft2, location, online, updated) VALUES ('33753750', 'Muba', '80', 'Dark T
emplar', 'None', 'None', 1324113938, 0, '1324113936') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE id
= VALUES(id), level = VALUES(level), class = VALUES(class), craft1 = VALUES(cra
ft1), craft2 = VALUES(craft2), online = VALUES(online), location = VALUES(locati
on), updated = VALUES(updated)
Data truncated for column 'craft1' at row 1Succubot [BUDDY] [LOG] Muba cha
nged status
Its only with some charts, some others from the same person dont have this problem and if y use member del and member add run good... until this chart dont change of area.
I understand i need to change something in the database but dont know where and what.