Data truncated for column 'craft1' at row 1MySQL ERROR(# 37) on query: INSERT IN
TO whois (id, nickname, level, class, craft1, craft2, location, online, updated)
VALUES ('17124238', 'Memtat', '35', 'Tempest of Set', 'None', 'None', 125458568
9, 0, '1254714331') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE id = VALUES(id), level = VALUES(leve
l), class = VALUES(class), craft1 = VALUES(craft1), craft2 = VALUES(craft2), onl
ine = VALUES(online), location = VALUES(location), updated = VALUES(updated)
I have gone through and changed every whois.php I can find to whois.phps except for the one in the Core/aoc folder. I don't know how to fix this can someone help me.