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Author Topic: is the nickname too big?  (Read 1830 times)

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Offline Kyr

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is the nickname too big?
« on: April 03, 2011, 04:30:14 am »
Has anyone seen this error?

Does this mean the nickname field isn't large enough for a character name in AoC?


Code: [Select]
MySQL ERROR(# 1) on query: INSERT INTO whois (id, nickname, level, class, craft1
, craft2, location, online, updated) VALUES ('117612832', 'Warlander117612832',
'28', 'Conqueror', '', '', 1294872775, 0, '1301797544') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE
id = VALUES(id), level = VALUES(level), class = VALUES(class), craft1 = VALUES(c
raft1), craft2 = VALUES(craft2), online = VALUES(online), location = VALUES(loca
tion),  updated = VALUES(updated)
Data too long for column 'nickname' at row 1

Offline Kentarii

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Re: is the nickname too big?
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2011, 04:19:32 pm »
nickname field in whois table is 15 chars long while it's 25 chars in <botname>_users.

Guess you can just run in mysql console:
Code: [Select]
ALTER TABLE `whois` CHANGE `nickname` `nickname` VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
Edit: although whois table isn't really important, I guess you should perform a backup first.

Edit 2: perhaps someone should add this change to the bebot release as well??
« Last Edit: April 04, 2011, 04:24:48 pm by Kentarii »


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