Hello there.
First thanks for putting the time and effort you do into contributing to this project, it sounds awesome
Now, I get some issues while trying to connect to Age of Conan with BeBot. I followed the guide presented in the wiki, both for the pre and last stable version of BeBot. I run Windows Vista x64, PHP 5.3 and MySQL 5.1.36 . I have several databases already created and running too.
The first problem I ran into was that the php.exe file is located beyond "Program Files" in the C Drive, and for some reason, I could not escape that space. Kept getting some "C:\Program" is not a recognized command or batch file. Tried both methods for slashes suggested in the tutorial.
After I moved the whole files directly to the php folder. There I got to the point where I could see "Botname [LOGIN] [STATUS] [CONNECTING] but it stays there forever. I read somewhere here that changing the port in serverlist to 7000 (instead of 7002 for Wiccana) worked, so I tried. This time I get a
RPHP Warning : Received invalid greeting packet from AOC Chat server. in C:\Program Files(x86)\PHP\Sources\AOChat.php on line 228
ead Error : EOF //There is no R, was not a typo
PHP Notice : Undefined property: BotStatistics_Core::$online in [...]\core\BotStatistics.php on line 343
Botname [CONN] [ERROR] Can't connect to server. Retrying in 60 seconds.
I get several of thos PHP Notice before the connection is attempted too, but I don't think that's an issue... So there. I am not a complete noob, I can use php/mysql to make websites or applets, but I have never played with that kind of application of it so far. If you need any logs, just let me know where I can find them and what you need in them, I'll be pleased to add informations.
Thanks for your time.