Ive used this bot for some time. but now it will not log in.
Ive rebuild it totaly from sctrach with new mysql data base, check the passwords everything seems find except i get this error::
Botfrenzy [2013-12-30 15:03:08] [LOGIN] [STATUS] Authenticating
[Conan Login Server] Could not connect to dm10-nj4.ageofconan.com:7000
Notice: Could not connect to the Loginserver (dm10-nj4.ageofconan.com:7000) in C
:\Program Files\bebot\Sources\AOChat.php on line 494
Botfrenzy [2013-12-30 15:03:09] [CONN] [ERROR] Failed authenticating to server.
Retrying in 60 seconds.
Does any one know whats goign on and can help me out plz ?
Ive updated the server list but still no luck