BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

Archive => Age of Conan Archive => AoC 0.6 support => Topic started by: wabbit on April 30, 2012, 07:11:48 am

Title: how to add necropolis emote script to bebot?
Post by: wabbit on April 30, 2012, 07:11:48 am
Ive tried running this just with the !script command and by using a script.lst file but the bot seems to break the scripts everytime.

How would I go about adding the kara korum scripts from

without breaking the script?
Title: Re: how to add necropolis emote script to bebot?
Post by: Oolwe on April 30, 2012, 03:05:45 pm
my modded script.lst for good looking :D

Code: [Select]
<DIV ALIGN=center><IMG SRC=rdb://791043><BR>
<FONT FACE=hyborianlarge color=white>Guild Scripts<BR></FONT>
<FONT FACE=hyborianlarge COLOR=#F35F00>PVE:</FONT><BR><FONT FACE=large>
<a href='chatcmd:///tell YOUR_BOT_NAME <pre>script necropole'>Necropole</a><BR>


For the script here : remove the /group at the beginning of the script.

if you want test, my necropole.txt whitch work for me:
Code: [Select]
<DIV ALIGN=center ><FONT FACE=hyborianlarge  COLOR=#ff6820 >Celestial Necropolis</FONT></DIV><BR><DIV ALIGN=center ><FONT FACE=large >[ </FONT><FONT FACE=LARGE_BOLD  SIZE=12 ><A HREF='chatcmd:///emote cry' STYLE=text-decoration:none ><FONT FACE=large ><U>Joyous</U></FONT></A></FONT><FONT FACE=large > ] [ </FONT><FONT FACE=LARGE_BOLD  SIZE=12 ><A HREF='chatcmd:///emote laugh' STYLE=text-decoration:none ><FONT FACE=large ><U>Grieving</U></FONT></A></FONT><FONT FACE=large > ]</FONT></DIV><BR><DIV ALIGN=center ><FONT FACE=large > [ </FONT><FONT FACE=LARGE_BOLD  SIZE=12 ><A HREF='chatcmd:///emote trance' STYLE=text-decoration:none ><FONT FACE=large ><U>Furious</U></FONT></A></FONT><FONT FACE=large > ] </FONT><FONT COLOR=#e38f35  FACE=large ><B>BOSS</B></FONT><FONT COLOR=#ff6820  FACE=large > </FONT><FONT FACE=large > [ </FONT><FONT FACE=LARGE_BOLD  SIZE=12 ><A HREF='chatcmd:///emote approve' STYLE=text-decoration:none ><FONT FACE=large ><U>Dissension</U></FONT></A></FONT><FONT FACE=large > ]</FONT></DIV><BR><DIV ALIGN=center ><FONT FACE=large > [ </FONT><FONT FACE=LARGE_BOLD  SIZE=12 ><A HREF='chatcmd:///emote angry' STYLE=text-decoration:none ><FONT FACE=large ><U>Harmonious</U></FONT></A></FONT><FONT FACE=large > ] [ </FONT><FONT FACE=LARGE_BOLD  SIZE=12 ><A HREF='chatcmd:///emote disagree' STYLE=text-decoration:none ><FONT FACE=large ><U>Consension</U></FONT></A></FONT><FONT FACE=large > ]</FONT></DIV><BR><DIV ALIGN=center ><FONT FACE=LARGE_BOLD  SIZE=12  COLOR=#ffffff ><FONT FACE=large >[ Door ]</FONT></FONT></DIV><DIV ALIGN=center ><FONT FACE=LARGE_BOLD  SIZE=12  COLOR=#ffffff ><FONT COLOR=#b7b7b7  SIZE=12  FACE=LARGE_BOLD >.....................</FONT></FONT></DIV><DIV ALIGN=center ><FONT FACE=LARGE_BOLD  SIZE=12  COLOR=#ffffff ><A HREF='chatcmd:///emote curse' STYLE=text-decoration:none ><FONT FACE=large ><U>Curse</U></FONT></A></FONT></DIV><DIV ALIGN=center ><FONT FACE=LARGE_BOLD  SIZE=12  COLOR=#ffffff ><FONT FACE=large >(HARDMODE)</FONT></FONT></DIV><DIV ALIGN=center ><FONT FACE=LARGE_BOLD  SIZE=12  COLOR=#ffffff ><FONT COLOR=#b7b7b7  SIZE=12  FACE=LARGE_BOLD >...........................................................................</FONT></FONT></DIV><DIV ALIGN=center >Door 1: <A HREF='chatcmd:///emote approve' STYLE=text-decoration:none ><U>Dissension</U></A></DIV><DIV ALIGN=center >Door 2: <A HREF='chatcmd:///emote disagree' STYLE=text-decoration:none ><U>Consension</U></A> - <A HREF='chatcmd:///emote angry' STYLE=text-decoration:none ><U>Harmonious</U></A> - <A HREF='chatcmd:///emote laugh' STYLE=text-decoration:none ><U>Grieving</U></A> </DIV><DIV ALIGN=center >Door 3: <A HREF='chatcmd:///emote cry' STYLE=text-decoration:none ><FONT FACE=Verdana ><U>Joyous</U></FONT></A> - <A HREF='chatcmd:///emote trance' STYLE=text-decoration:none ><FONT FACE=Verdana ><U>Furious</U></FONT></A><BR></FONT></DIV>

Hope that help.
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