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Author Topic: Unknown Dimension  (Read 6111 times)

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Offline skape

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Unknown Dimension
« on: September 06, 2009, 12:01:56 am »
I just installed Bebot today and used the documentation to set it up.

When I run "php startbot.php" from the command line, it echos the config files(I'm assuming that is normal), then it displays an error message until I press enter.

Password for :'stty' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

When I press enter, It displays the title screen, then...I'll just post it:

Curl extension loaded
(...The conf files echo again...)
Warning: fread(): Length parameter must be greater than 0 in C:\Documents and Se
ttings\Nicholas\Desktop\bebot\Main.php on line 204
MySQL database connection test successfull
Creating MySQL class!
Creating AOChat class!
Creating main Bot class!
 [2009-09-05 21:55:24]  [MAIN]  [DIR]   Loading main functions of the bot
 [2009-09-05 21:55:24]  [MAIN]  [LOAD]  00_BotError.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:24]  [MAIN]  [LOAD]  01_BasePassiveModule.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:24]  [MAIN]  [LOAD]  02_BaseActiveModule.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:24]  [MAIN]  [LOAD]  03_Security.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:24]  [MAIN]  [LOAD]  05_Maintenance.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:24]  [MAIN]  [LOAD]  06_Preferences.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:24]  [SETTINGS]      [LOAD]  Loaded settings from database.
 [2009-09-05 21:55:24]  [MAIN]  [LOAD]  06_Settings.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:24]  [MAIN]  [LOAD]  09_AccessControl.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:24]  [MAIN]  [LOAD]  10_Roster.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:24]  [MAIN]  [LOAD]  11_FlexibleSecurity.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:24]  [MAIN]  [LOAD]  12_ConfigMagik.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:24]  [MAIN]  [LOAD]  14_Tools.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:24]  [MAIN]  [LOAD]  15_AOChatWrapper.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:24]  [MAIN]  [LOAD]  15_BotHelp.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:24]  [MAIN]  [LOAD]  15_ChatQueue.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:24]  [MAIN]  [LOAD]  15_Colors.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:24]  [MAIN]  [LOAD]  15_CommandAlias.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:24]  [MAIN]  [LOAD]  15_Log.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MAIN]  [LOAD]  15_Notify.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MAIN]  [LOAD]  15_OnlineDB.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MAIN]  [LOAD]  15_Timer_Core.php

 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [CORE]  [DIR]   Loading core-modules
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [CORE]  [LOAD]  Alias.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [CORE]  [LOAD]  Alts.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [CORE]  [LOAD]  BotStatistics.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [CORE]  [LOAD]  Buddy_Queue.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [CORE]  [LOAD]  FunFilters.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [CORE]  [LOAD]  Logon_Notifies.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [CORE]  [LOAD]  ModuleCatcher.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [CORE]  [LOAD]  PlayerNotes.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [CORE]  [LOAD]  Professions.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [CORE]  [LOAD]  ShortCuts.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [CORE]  [LOAD]  Statistics.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [CORE]  [LOAD]  StringFilter.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [CORE]  [LOAD]  Time.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [CORE]  [LOAD]  User.php

 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [CORE]  [DIR]   Loading Game Specific core-modules
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [CORE]  [LOAD]  Items.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [CORE]  [LOAD]  Whois.php

 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [CORE-CUSTOM]   [DIR]   Loading additional core-modules
in directory custom/core/

 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [DIR]   Loading modules
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  About.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  AccessControlUI.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  AFK.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  AltsUI.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  BanManagerUI.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  Bid.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  BotStatisticsUI.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  Calc.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  ColorConfigUI.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  CommandAliasUI.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  Countdown.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  FlexibleSecurityUI.php

Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in C:\D
ocuments and Settings\Nicholas\Desktop\bebot\modules\IRC.php on line 682

Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in C:\D
ocuments and Settings\Nicholas\Desktop\bebot\Sources\SmartIRC.php on line 1158

Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in C:\D
ocuments and Settings\Nicholas\Desktop\bebot\Sources\SmartIRC.php on line 1184

Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in C:\D
ocuments and Settings\Nicholas\Desktop\bebot\Sources\SmartIRC.php on line 1219

Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in C:\D
ocuments and Settings\Nicholas\Desktop\bebot\Sources\SmartIRC.php on line 1321

Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in C:\D
ocuments and Settings\Nicholas\Desktop\bebot\Sources\SmartIRC.php on line 1595

Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in C:\D
ocuments and Settings\Nicholas\Desktop\bebot\Sources\IRC\messagehandler.php on l
ine 49

Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in C:\D
ocuments and Settings\Nicholas\Desktop\bebot\Sources\IRC\messagehandler.php on l
ine 60

Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in C:\D
ocuments and Settings\Nicholas\Desktop\bebot\Sources\IRC\messagehandler.php on l
ine 318

Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in C:\D
ocuments and Settings\Nicholas\Desktop\bebot\Sources\IRC\messagehandler.php on l
ine 366
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [SETTINGS]      [SAVED] connected for module irc set to
FALSE as datatype bool
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  IRC.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  Is.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  Logon.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  Mail.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  MassMsg.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  ModulesControlUI.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  News.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  Notify.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  nroll.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  OnlineCount.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  OnlineDisplay.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  Ping.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  PlayerNotesUI.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  Points.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  PreferencesUI.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  Raffle.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  Raid.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  Rally.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  Relay.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  Roll.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  Roster.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  Say.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  SettingsUI.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  ShortCutsUI.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  Shutdown.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  StringFilterUI.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  TimerRelay.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  TimerUI.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  Whois.php

 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [DIR]   Loading game specific modules
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  Autouseradd.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  Blacklist.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  Chuck.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  City.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  craftclasses.php
' [2009-09-05 21:55:25] [MOD]   [LOAD]  Gemcutting.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  Items.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  Loot.php
 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD]   [LOAD]  Quotes.php

 [2009-09-05 21:55:25]  [MOD-CUSTOM]    [DIR]   Loading additional modules in di
rectory custom/modules/

Unknown dimension

It then keeps looping back to the bebot title screen.

Any help on this would be much appreciated. :)

Offline Khalem

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Re: Unknown Dimension
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2009, 07:58:23 pm »
Displaying the config file is not normal.

This might indicate your config file is missing it's php tags.
BeBot Founder and Fixer Kingpin

Offline skape

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Re: Unknown Dimension
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2009, 08:58:22 pm »
Resolved. It did have something to do with the config files, but I'm not sure what. I think it had something to do with the encoding.

Thanks a lot.

Offline Khalem

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Re: Unknown Dimension
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2009, 07:55:03 pm »
Marked as resolved.

Also started adding some extra error checking for the future to ensure we actually successfully loaded settings.
BeBot Founder and Fixer Kingpin


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