BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

Archive => Age of Conan Archive => AoC 0.6 support => Topic started by: Nergalpriest on July 09, 2013, 10:37:18 pm

Title: GuildRecruit Script
Post by: Nergalpriest on July 09, 2013, 10:37:18 pm
Can you assist here ? I would like to build a Scriptmanager for Guildrecruitment and im kinda stuck here:

<a href="text://<CENTER><u><i><font color='#FF0000' face='Hyborianlarge'> Quell des Lebens Scriptmanager </font></i></u><BR><BR><CENTER><u><i><font color='#FF0000' face='Hyboriansmall'> (edited By Nergalpriest) </font></i></u><BR><BR><BR><BR><u><font color='#ff0000' face='Hyboriansmall'> Gilde </font></u><BR><BR><font color=maroon>Gildenwerbung:<BR></font> <a href='chatcmd:///gildenwerbung guild '>Gilde</a> | <a href='chatcmd:///gildenwerbung group'>Gruppe</a> | <a href='chatcmd:///gildenwerbung raid'>Raid</a> | <a href='chatcmd:///gildenwerbung global'>Global</a> | <a href='chatcmd:///gildenwerbung nsh'>NSH</a><BR><BR><u><font color=maroon>Gildenhinweise:</font></u><BR><a href='chatcmd:///raidplaner guild '>Gilde</a><BR><BR><u><center><font color=maroon>Teamspeak anzeigen:</font></u><BR><a href='chatcmd:///ts text '>Privat</a> | <a href='chatcmd:///ts guild '>Gilde</a> | <a href='chatcmd:///ts group'>Gruppe</a> | <a href='chatcmd:///ts raid'>Raid</a></center><BR>

Instead of "Gildenwerbung" i would like the bot to post GuildInfo.php from modules folder through the Bot Ganorum.
There are 4 diffrent channels to post through the bot Ganorum. TeamSpeak should be shown to Privat ; Group; Raid and Guild.
The Script GuildInfo should work without problems. It is already edited. :)
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