Just installed my server now, and I'm trying to set up the BeBot. I'm a IT tech person, but unfortunately I'm not very familiar with web servers. The instructions regarding this was not 100% clear to me, and hence I have a problem starting the bot. I got a Windows 2008 server, and copied the
The instructions say:
Starting the bot
Open a console (In windows press Start ? Run ? enter cmd and press enter).
Now run the start.php
Windows: Navigate to the directory of your bot assuming you have the php.exe in the same directory and write php start.php.
I have the PHP and the BeBot files in the same directory called Bebot. I tried with "php start.php" and lots of other combos of PHP files and executables in the directory. I did not include the paths, as the files is in the same directory. Nothing of this worked though.
Before trying to start the bot I edited the bot.conf file (template) and added the PHP.exe and main.PHP to the various $ variables/values.
The installation was not accurate on the file names. As I could see. Would any of you give me the step by step details of what is needed to start this bot? Which files to run.