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Author Topic: Can't connect.  (Read 2916 times)

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Offline Masterdo

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Can't connect.
« on: July 28, 2009, 07:48:22 pm »
Hello there.

First thanks for putting the time and effort you do into contributing to this project, it sounds awesome :)

Now, I get some issues while trying to connect to Age of Conan with BeBot. I followed the guide presented in the wiki, both for the pre and last stable version of BeBot. I run Windows Vista x64, PHP 5.3 and MySQL 5.1.36 . I have several databases already created and running too.

The first problem I ran into was that the php.exe file is located beyond "Program Files" in the C Drive, and for some reason, I could not escape that space. Kept getting some "C:\Program" is not a recognized command or batch file. Tried both methods for slashes suggested in the tutorial.

After I moved the whole files directly to the php folder. There I got to the point where I could see "Botname [LOGIN] [STATUS]      [CONNECTING] but it stays there forever. I read somewhere here that changing the port in serverlist to 7000 (instead of 7002 for Wiccana) worked, so I tried. This time I get a

RPHP Warning : Received invalid greeting packet from AOC Chat server. in C:\Program Files(x86)\PHP\Sources\AOChat.php on line 228
ead Error : EOF //There is no R, was not a typo
PHP Notice : Undefined property: BotStatistics_Core::$online in [...]\core\BotStatistics.php on line 343
Botname [CONN]    [ERROR] Can't connect to server. Retrying in 60 seconds.

I get several of thos PHP Notice before the connection is attempted too, but I don't think that's an issue... So there. I am not a complete noob, I can use php/mysql to make websites or applets, but I have never played with that kind of application of it so far. If you need any logs, just let me know where I can find them and what you need in them, I'll be pleased to add informations.

Thanks for your time.

Offline Khalem

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Re: Can't connect.
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2009, 11:04:34 pm »
I'll see if i cant get around to try and replicate your PHP issues later when i get home from what passes as a vacation this year.

Your other problem is related to the fact that you need to run BeBot 0.6.4 in order to get it to connect to AoC post 1.05 patch. There is a 0.6.4 final coming out hopefully later this week, but for now stick with the pre release version from the download section. (There is no port for the serverlist anymore as everything is handled by the central universe management servers)
BeBot Founder and Fixer Kingpin


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