BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

Archive => Age of Conan Archive => AoC 0.6 support => Topic started by: Chaoz on November 10, 2011, 01:12:48 am

Title: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Chaoz on November 10, 2011, 01:12:48 am
Funcom changes their login again in 3.1. I have updated Conan Chat so it works with the login changes.

im currently refactoring the aoc login code for BeBot a bit, so it will be easier to do changes to the code in the future ( and easier for others to see the changes in the code ).

The main change is that they upgraded to use protobuffers in their remote method login methods ( to the login and character server ).
I will have to test this a bit in php  since I have to drag in protobuffers into php to get this to work.

I will let you know when I have a working bot with 3.1 :)

Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Getrix on November 10, 2011, 06:47:51 am
Awsome Chaoz  :D
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Chaoz on November 29, 2011, 10:13:24 am
Ups..3 weeks almost has passed. I have refactored the entire Aoc login. Will see if I can post a diff tomorrow ( Its 4 am here atm ) for the login changes.
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: RaZeR on November 29, 2011, 03:57:33 pm
awesome, thanks for the hard work. Look forward to seeing it soon. Thanks.
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Oolwe on November 30, 2011, 11:20:10 am
thx ;)
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Devastormax on November 30, 2011, 11:26:43 am
I love your work. It is very appreciated!
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: grey on November 30, 2011, 10:23:19 pm
Was there a patch posted for this and I'm missing it? Just checking status on it. 
Thanks again Chaoz and all the other contributers and developers for keeping this project going. My guild and myself depend on Bebot for a lot of things, and when it is down, we miss it!
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Bamsina on December 01, 2011, 09:48:34 am
Any News?
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: RaZeR on December 01, 2011, 10:40:18 am
doesn't look like any updates yet, but I hope Chaoz is well rested by now :)
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Bamsina on December 01, 2011, 05:32:43 pm
yup  Waiting for that sexy update =p
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Santon on December 02, 2011, 01:27:55 am
thanks for your time and work Chaoz ;D
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Bamsina on December 02, 2011, 05:13:09 am
Any luck =p ?
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: dragonjr on December 03, 2011, 04:02:56 am
 :'( wish funcom would stop screwing with the game
and Chaoz thank you for putting time into this to try to make it work
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: seknetari on December 03, 2011, 05:39:06 am
"wish funcom would stop screwing with the game"

Yeah, all I had was lag, lag, lag tonight and no BeBot.  :( It sounds like the changes will be good once they finally fix the fixes.  ???  Thx Chaoz for your efforts.
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: uberjon on December 04, 2011, 09:02:53 am
I've been watching your mercurial updates and seen the 'bot now works with new layout'

When trying with those files, I get:

Code: [Select]
botname [2011-12-04 07:51:33]     [LOGIN] [STATUS]        Authenticating
[] Could not connect on port 7000

Notice: Could not connect to the Loginserver ( in /botdir/Sources/AOChat.php on line 493
botname [2011-12-04 07:51:33]     [CONN]  [ERROR] Failed authenticating to server. Retrying in 60 seconds.

The connect log you showed, is for the eu servers? I thought their patch hasn't happened yet? thinking maybe mine is trying the wrong port?
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: grey on December 05, 2011, 02:59:52 am
What files? I have yet to see any patched aochat.php file posted... did I miss something?

I've been watching your mercurial updates and seen the 'bot now works with new layout'

When trying with those files, I get:

Code: [Select]
botname [2011-12-04 07:51:33]     [LOGIN] [STATUS]        Authenticating
[] Could not connect on port 7000

Notice: Could not connect to the Loginserver ( in /botdir/Sources/AOChat.php on line 493
botname [2011-12-04 07:51:33]     [CONN]  [ERROR] Failed authenticating to server. Retrying in 60 seconds.

The connect log you showed, is for the eu servers? I thought their patch hasn't happened yet? thinking maybe mine is trying the wrong port?
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Anastasia on December 05, 2011, 04:52:49 am

Our guild misses our bot also...

What have Funcom done??!!

I hope there is a way to fix the code etc...

Thanks to those who are working on a fix...

We appreciate your work  :-*

Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Bamsina on December 05, 2011, 07:17:45 am
Also they changed chat port and chat address but that wasn't the issue they changed log on also
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Bamsina on December 06, 2011, 05:56:25 am
Any luck folks ?
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: seknetari on December 06, 2011, 12:46:50 pm
No luck here. I'm still waiting for a fix.  :(
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Bamsina on December 06, 2011, 08:58:57 pm
New song "Here comes guild bot here comes guild bot logging in once again! Here those command lines tells and lag lines ringing at your chat! but lift your chin and give a grin as we want our guild bot back!"

Happy Holidays all!
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Tankzo on December 07, 2011, 01:11:23 am
Looks like 3.1 may be fixed tonight.  After EU is up, i think we may see the fixed AOChat.php?  or at least that is the hope.

BTW, love the X-mas song.
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Bamsina on December 07, 2011, 01:49:44 am
Thanks I got banned on AOC IRC For singing it but I thought it was cute =p
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Zeephonz on December 08, 2011, 02:37:25 am
Someone send out a search party, and check missing persons, or America's Most Wanted.... Chaoz has vanished  :o
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: uberjon on December 08, 2011, 02:50:17 am
Someone send out a search party, and check missing persons, or America's Most Wanted.... Chaoz has vanished  :o

Chaoz plays on EU servers, so more like 'worlds most wanted' or 'aoc most loved/missed' :p
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Bear1968 on December 08, 2011, 04:37:44 am
Someone send out a search party, and check missing persons, or America's Most Wanted.... Chaoz has vanished  :o

Chaoz plays on EU servers, so more like 'worlds most wanted' or 'aoc most loved/missed' :p

OK ... So Who needs a Beer??  :)

I do not buy rounds often outside of my local pub but ....... I will here just for the GREAT effort that has been made by our community.

 ........ All good things come to those who wait  8)
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Bamsina on December 08, 2011, 06:27:51 am

Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Bamsina on December 09, 2011, 05:43:24 am
 :-* Any news yet ?? 
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Apollyon on December 09, 2011, 08:47:51 pm
Just out of curiosity, how is the login process determined when coding for the bot?  Is it just done by packet sniffing and coding accordingly or is there some other source of information out there?
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Bamsina on December 10, 2011, 02:32:22 am
Yes Current error

arning: Error while reading rpc header. () in C:\Forgiveme\Sources\AOChat.php o
<Bam> n line 503
<Bam> Warning: handleRPCPackets: Packet is not an object (no RPCPacket?) in C:\Forgive
<Bam> me\Sources\AOChat.php on line 725
<Bam> Tawnet [CONN]   [ERROR] Failed authenticating to server. Retrying in 60 seconds.
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: SalmonSeller on December 10, 2011, 01:40:24 pm
Should be a fix by next week at the latest. 3.1 is slated to hit next next week on the euro servers, so they'll need a fix for it by then.
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: joel47 on December 10, 2011, 08:48:25 pm
Are You saying he's anti -American and holding back   LOL

What's his pay-pal account I'll help pay him..
If i was only smart i would try to fix it :P
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Tulkasaoc on December 11, 2011, 01:16:54 am
RPC is Remote Procedure Call.

I assume this is how the AOC code and the Chat system interact, they are seperate systems. The chat system is a very much evolved version of Internet Relay Chat that runs along side the AOC servers.

Time to get some Americans up to speed on this stuff. Keep digging people.

Chaoz talks about protocol buffers and there is some good info here
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Tankzo on December 11, 2011, 01:39:55 am
RPC is Remote Procedure Call.

...Time to get some Americans up to speed on this stuff. Keep digging people...

I just don't know enough about PHP.  The wireshark trace of the communications is straight forward... i just don't know what to do with it.  If the Dif was posted... i could figure it out but it is my php lacking more than anything else...
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Apollyon on December 11, 2011, 02:04:06 am
If the Dif was posted... i could figure it out but it is my php lacking more than anything else...

Yeah, kinda makes me wish I kept one from before, not that I would necessarily know enough about php to do anything with it in a timely fashion either.  I just wasn't sure if there was some other source from funcom, probably unofficial since they don't really support bots, that might have mentioned changes or if this was how it had to be done.
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Getrix on December 11, 2011, 11:11:28 am
Last time it changed, the changes was as "simpel" as this:

Here is the patch for 2.7.

Changes are in Sources/AOChat.php

AOCP_LOGIN_CHARID       => array("name"=>"Login CharacterID",                   "args"=>"III"),
AOCP_LOGIN_CHARID       => array("name"=>"Login CharacterID",                   "args"=>"IIIS"),

Change ( line 468 ish AND 935 ish )
 $loginCharacterPacket = new AOChatPacket("out", AOCP_LOGIN_CHARID, array(1,$this->char["id"],$this->serverseed ) );
 $loginCharacterPacket = new AOChatPacket("out", AOCP_LOGIN_CHARID, array(1,$this->char["id"],$this->serverseed, "en") );

I also attached the whole file if you just want to replace it with the changes.

Earlier fixes if you want diffs:
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Patromonus on December 11, 2011, 12:44:33 pm
this is what funcom is saying when someone asked about a chat client program that isnt running on Testlive.




Yes, the login authentication has changed in this patch. The main change is that it is using protocol buffers. Some of the packets has changed signature but it shouldn't be too many.

Upgrading the interface is not too trivial, but I will see if I can post some example code for it.
// Einride : Lead programmer for Age Of Conan

Last edited by Einride; 10-20-2011 at 06:52 PM.. Reason: removed double signature 
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Chaoz on December 11, 2011, 09:56:58 pm
Heya :)

Sorry for beeing afk here. I have been off for a week with my job.

Ok, so down to the details.
- I have refactored the entore AoC login code
- I had to plug in and fix up a 3rd party protobuf library for PhP. This is where I got stuck, since I thought I had a bug in my code, but it turned out to be broken protobuf library.

So over to the good news, I now have a working bebot running on US with the 3.1 patch. :D

I will not give diffs this time since there are so many changes, but I will attach a zipped file that you can just apply directly in your bebot folder.

Ok, uploading the zip file on my webpage in a few.

Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Chaoz on December 11, 2011, 10:29:02 pm
Ok, the patch is here :

Just make sure that it unpacks in the root folder.

I will make a proper bebot patch tomorrow with comments, diffs, etc.

Let me know if you have problems with this patch on US ( or if Im missing any files )

Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Apollyon on December 11, 2011, 10:39:44 pm
Issue resolved.

Btw, thanks for the work on the update.
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Chaoz on December 11, 2011, 11:12:06 pm
Gah I fixed it now :)

Redownload the patch and try it :)
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: joel47 on December 11, 2011, 11:32:23 pm
Thanks Man, I don't know what I'm doing, BUT we got a working Bot now!! A Thousand gratitudes to you...I wish you worked for FunkyCom ;D  (*thinks to himself "maybe he does. Well, they should fire the rest!!")

Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Sheeth on December 12, 2011, 12:26:55 am
YEY BOT! thank you for your hard work.

1 Error to report sofar, not sure if its on my end or not. But my guild spazzed out and sent the bot about 500 tells as soon as it came online.

Read error: EOF

Warning: unpack(): Type N: not enough input, need 4, have 0 in C:\bebot\Sources\AOChat.php on line 1394

Warning: array_pop() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in C:\bebot\Sources\AOChat.php on line 1395

Warning: unpack(): Type n: not enough input, need 2, have 0 in C:\bebot\Sources\AOChat.php on line 1406

Warning: array_pop() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in C:\bebot\Sources\AOChat.php on line 1407

Warning: unpack(): Type n: not enough input, need 2, have 0 in C:\bebot\Sources\AOChat.php on line 1406

Warning: array_pop() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in C:\bebot\Sources\AOChat.php on line 1407
Read error: EOF
Furbot [CONN]   [ERROR] Bot has disconnected. Reconnecting in 60 seconds.
The bot is restarting.
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Chaoz on December 12, 2011, 12:45:16 am
Hm, this error is in the old AO packet part. I haven't really touched that. And yes, all the tells that members of the bot have been sending the last week and a half, will be answered when the bot comes online :)

Let me know if you continue to get errors in this area. What version of BeBot are you running before you applied the patch btw ?


YEY BOT! thank you for your hard work.

1 Error to report sofar, not sure if its on my end or not. But my guild spazzed out and sent the bot about 500 tells as soon as it came online.

Read error: EOF

Warning: unpack(): Type N: not enough input, need 4, have 0 in C:\bebot\Sources\AOChat.php on line 1394

Warning: array_pop() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in C:\bebot\Sources\AOChat.php on line 1395

Warning: unpack(): Type n: not enough input, need 2, have 0 in C:\bebot\Sources\AOChat.php on line 1406

Warning: array_pop() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in C:\bebot\Sources\AOChat.php on line 1407

Warning: unpack(): Type n: not enough input, need 2, have 0 in C:\bebot\Sources\AOChat.php on line 1406

Warning: array_pop() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in C:\bebot\Sources\AOChat.php on line 1407
Read error: EOF
Furbot [CONN]   [ERROR] Bot has disconnected. Reconnecting in 60 seconds.
The bot is restarting.
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: uberjon on December 12, 2011, 12:52:38 am
in the php output, I'm getting alot of spam for buddy add regarding '4294967295' not sure if it will persist after the roster is done updating or not?

edit, roster update done its no longer doing the repeat for add request.

on the tells while it was offline, you could manually logon the bot toon, to 'read' the offline msgs and logoff, wait a min then log the bot ;)
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Chaoz on December 12, 2011, 01:02:34 am
Yeah the 4294967295 add is actually buddy add with ID -1. The is a bebot bug that has been there for a while ( located in the joint AO/AOC chat module ).

This bug is annoying since I keep getting unknown members :)

Might be some weird issues reading offline messages.


in the php output, I'm getting alot of spam for buddy add regarding '4294967295' not sure if it will persist after the roster is done updating or not?

edit, roster update done its no longer doing the repeat for add request.

on the tells while it was offline, you could manually logon the bot toon, to 'read' the offline msgs and logoff, wait a min then log the bot ;)
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Anastasia on December 12, 2011, 02:18:50 am
Thanks Chaoz!!!

Appreciate your hard work :)

Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Bamsina on December 12, 2011, 02:27:32 am
Thanks so much!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Bamsina on December 12, 2011, 02:37:54 am
Error out

Fatal error: Class 'PBMessage' not found in C:\Forgiveme\Sources\AocLogin\pb_pro
to_Endpoints.php on line 3
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: dragonjr on December 12, 2011, 03:27:11 am
ok i think i did this wrong i opened the zip file and moved the 3 php files manualy and saved and now i get this
( (
and at the end of it i get this
( (
so what am i dong wrong ?
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: dragonjr on December 12, 2011, 03:34:09 am
nvm i missed a file and thank you for all your hard work
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Chaoz on December 12, 2011, 03:37:16 am
I readded the zip file and added the include for PBMessage incase something is fubar in the include paths for php. Just download the file again and see if it works.

[edit] I also removed some console spam when the bot is logging in.

Bamsina: If it doesnt work, I guess I have to look a bit deeper into it. Also make sure that you extracted the protobuf subfolder in the AocLogin folder

Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Darshiva on December 12, 2011, 06:01:53 am
on another note from sheeths post the bot seems to be stable now
but takes half hour if we !yg and will not take any commands till its finished teh yg search
anyone else have this ?
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: uberjon on December 12, 2011, 06:18:18 am
I remember that issue way back with the old item command, until it 'timed out' it ignored everything else in guild chat, tells still worked though
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Darshiva on December 12, 2011, 06:28:55 am
it does return the yg search just takes an age
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: RaZeR on December 12, 2011, 06:45:01 am
working great here, thanks for the patch!
Looks like they've added distributed character servers, and guild servers.... I guess they're gonna re-use this for Secret World or maybe this infrastructure allows them better tools for cross-server tech.
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Bamsina on December 12, 2011, 06:54:54 am

Fatal error: Class 'RpcHeader' not found in C:\TAWNEW\Sources\AocLogin\ServerCon
nection.php on line 168

Same error

No file that name was in patches   I am on windows 7

Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Chaoz on December 12, 2011, 06:58:07 am
Hmmm odd.  I will try this on win 7 tomorrow

Fatal error: Class 'RpcHeader' not found in C:\TAWNEW\Sources\AocLogin\ServerCon
nection.php on line 168

Same error

No file that name was in patches   I am on windows 7
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Bamsina on December 12, 2011, 06:58:55 am
 :-* Someone needs to open a bot hosting service =p
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Bamsina on December 12, 2011, 07:00:52 am
Am I missing something Extra I need to have Im on PHP 5.3

Funny thing tank sent me his EXACT bot folder with all the correct stuff and its not letting, me get past these two errors its looking for a class almost like java
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Bamsina on December 12, 2011, 07:09:34 am
Here is a pastebin
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Vhab on December 12, 2011, 08:44:14 am
As for everyone who has been asking me about this for the past week, I'm flattered but I can't help you.
I'm currently not active in the AoC community and barely have enough time to throw in the occasional maintenance to my AO projects.
Chaoz seems on the ball with this, you're in fine hands.

The chat system is a very much evolved version of Internet Relay Chat that runs along side the AOC servers.

It's not actually. It's not even remotely close or a has single hint of similarity with IRC.

I'm not sure where this information came from, as I see it popping up every once in a while.
But I am curious to what lead you to this conclusion. Where did you get that information from?
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Kyr on December 12, 2011, 08:52:52 am
thanks for the update!

serverlist.php is missing this for the deathwish server:

Code: [Select]
$server_list['aoc']['Deathwish']    = $server_list['aoc']['US'];
not that there are many bots on that server...

Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Killaah on December 12, 2011, 08:53:53 am
Many thanks for your time and effort Chaoz.. on behalf of the TTL members on Wiccana
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Bamsina on December 12, 2011, 09:07:53 am
Yes thanks for all your help on behalf of TAW And also thanks Corrupted Tanks for his help also still trying to fix this
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Bamsina on December 12, 2011, 09:45:14 am
I'm off to bed pulled my hair out for 9 hours on this thanks again For all the work your doing guys
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Darshiva on December 12, 2011, 09:53:41 am
Ya on behalf of Furious (set) we thank you for your work

u dont how much we missed !timeraa   ;D
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: uberjon on December 12, 2011, 10:00:20 am
:-* Someone needs to open a bot hosting service =p

I previously had thought about it.. But it would be rather pain imo. Would either have to manually (host operated) restart bot etc, or a custom control panel. (highly doubt anyone wants to rent out shell access for this)
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: BoA-Gert on December 12, 2011, 01:51:47 pm
on another note from sheeths post the bot seems to be stable now
but takes half hour if we !yg and will not take any commands till its finished teh yg search
anyone else have this ?

going a bit offtopic:

YG the past day or so has been slow or non-communicative - both website and !yg queries; happened last week as well on Sunday but got fixed fairly quick...

/edit - adding the following 2 lines into YG.php has helped me with this timing out issue:


curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1);   

After that line, add:

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT,5);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT,20);

Can't remember if these lines are in by default (made several changes to YG.php over time):


$xmlobj = simplexml_load_string($xmlprf);

After that line, add:

if ($xmlobj === FALSE)
 return "##red##YG.COM isn't responding or returned an invalid result!##end##";

Save and restart the bot
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: SalmonSeller on December 12, 2011, 03:13:32 pm
Yep, all good and up and running here. Cheers from Mist Wolves on Wiccana. :)
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Patromonus on December 12, 2011, 05:28:03 pm
Someone needs to open a bot hosting service =p

already running 9 bots now so im out of doing more :)
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Santon on December 12, 2011, 06:48:20 pm
Great work Chaoz, thank you on behalf of Mercenaries/Tyranny
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Bear1968 on December 12, 2011, 07:28:12 pm
Awesome job Chaoz!

Everyone in our Guild missed the Guild Bot especially me! It really sux to have to log on every 80 and check AAs because somebody is to dumb to use a pencil and paper to keep track of his 14 - 80s AA Timers  :-X
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Bamsina on December 13, 2011, 12:40:36 am
Still bugged
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Tankzo on December 13, 2011, 01:35:11 am
Try changing

You are windows, and it may have a problem with the directory starting directory... or maybe fully qualify the directory.
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Tankzo on December 13, 2011, 01:35:56 am
oh, this was in pb_proto_Endpoints.php found in Sources\AocLogin
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Halfdead on December 13, 2011, 06:05:10 am
Thank you very much for the patch. Love bot, best utility in game. Keep it going.
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Bamsina on December 13, 2011, 06:10:25 am
WORKING!! Needed to put PHP in my C: also update PHP to there new system it didn't like normal php5
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Oolwe on December 13, 2011, 06:53:56 pm

thx for the patch, for info be careful some files only have at the beginning:

Code: [Select]
instead of

Code: [Select]
wich can cause problems for the bot to start on some system (Slackware 13.37 in my case).

Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Pituvul on December 14, 2011, 01:26:33 am
Thank you so much Chaoz for the fix, IronFist guild on Set thanks you a ton!

One issue im having, since you own also the Conan Chat program for windows: im using the chat toon and the bot toon on same account (created only for them) and the chat toon was set as Owner for bot and i used to start commands for the bot through the 'tells' in the Conan Chat window; since the latest fix you posted (both chat and bot) i cannot get any commands through from the bot back to the chat toon when using the Conan Chat: it will send the 'tell' to the bot but the bot seems not to receive it and not being able to send any 'tell' back with the requested command. This issue ive noticed only when using the Conan Chat program, sending commands in-game works as before and for everyone.

Thanks again for your time and effort.
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: wabbit on December 14, 2011, 08:19:31 am
Im installing the patch on a Mac OSX install and the bot will no longer launch after doing so. I had a backup so i deleted everything and the backup runs fine. I apply the patch again and it breaks the bot.

I have went through and made sure the start of each file has <?php instead of just <? and it still breaks my bot install when i apply the patch...

Any ideas?
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Kentarii on December 15, 2011, 01:26:27 pm
Can someone upload the patch in this thread please? is having issues it seems...
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Patromonus on December 15, 2011, 05:19:50 pm

By the way .. thanks for the HARD work been done so far for all of you peeps who done there share ..

Keep it up , please :D

Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Kentarii on December 15, 2011, 11:58:40 pm
Thank you for the patch Chaoz and Patromonus for the extra mirror :)
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Chaoz on December 16, 2011, 12:40:50 am
Yeah sorry about that. The hosting server for conanchat died for a brief moment.

And I uploaded a new version of Conan Chat with the tell bug fixed.


Thank you so much Chaoz for the fix, IronFist guild on Set thanks you a ton!

One issue im having, since you own also the Conan Chat program for windows: im using the chat toon and the bot toon on same account (created only for them) and the chat toon was set as Owner for bot and i used to start commands for the bot through the 'tells' in the Conan Chat window; since the latest fix you posted (both chat and bot) i cannot get any commands through from the bot back to the chat toon when using the Conan Chat: it will send the 'tell' to the bot but the bot seems not to receive it and not being able to send any 'tell' back with the requested command. This issue ive noticed only when using the Conan Chat program, sending commands in-game works as before and for everyone.

Thanks again for your time and effort.
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Kentarii on December 16, 2011, 12:43:12 am
Yeah sorry about that. The hosting server for conanchat died for a brief moment.

And I uploaded a new version of Conan Chat with the tell bug fixed.

Ah, nice.. could you perhaps update your first post to include the link?
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Chaoz on December 16, 2011, 01:17:16 am
Updated my signature with the conan chat link.

I will update the patch file a little bit for the BeBot patch :)

Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: evinswardlaw on December 16, 2011, 04:23:51 am
Thanks so much, I'll try to get my Deathwish bot back online.

To the person asking about a bot hosting serveice... there is a fella who offers such a service. He can be reached at Christer.r.olsen(at)gmail(dot)com.

Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: deathwarnt on July 31, 2012, 09:59:49 pm
I have not been successful as to downloading the file to fix my bot.  It says that the link that I try to use (chaoz's signature and links he posted) are either no longer sharing files on a site that it brings me to, or  does not actually load in my browser.  Apparently it cannot find the page the link takes me to.  Right clicking on it does not work. Anyone able to help me figure out how i can obtain the file?
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Kentarii on July 31, 2012, 10:06:29 pm
This should still work:

Mirrored it on my page:

Anyways.. Rage and Deathwish are missing in the ServerList.php file, so you need to update that, see attached file.
Might be other stuff as well...
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: deathwarnt on August 03, 2012, 10:45:45 pm
Alright I unzipped the file to the desktop (so I could find it).  Then I placed the unzipped file in my root directory of the bebot (Have it running from PHP5 folder).  i get the same error.  didn't change nothing.  am i doing something wrong??
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Kentarii on August 04, 2012, 02:12:03 am
What error? We're not mind readers...

The ServerList.php in the zip was missing Rage and Deathwish, see my updated previous post.
Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: chris010 on August 04, 2012, 02:53:37 pm
I also get an error. I don't know much about php programming so I don't have any idea what's wrong.

error code: fatal error: call-time pass-by-refernence has been removed in c:\bebot\sources\bo.php on line 1703

Title: Re: Conan v3.01.0 patch and new login
Post by: Kentarii on August 05, 2012, 01:03:39 am
I also get an error. I don't know much about php programming so I don't have any idea what's wrong.

error code: fatal error: call-time pass-by-refernence has been removed in c:\bebot\sources\bo.php on line 1703

Try downgrading to PHP 5.3 (or 5.2), I assume you just grabbed the latest and greatest version (5.4) you could find.
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