I'm running it on Windows with Zend Server.
When PHP is correctly setup, you will have PHP added to the system environments variables and be able to use PHP CLI (command line interface) (Windows -
The way I run it is with Task Schedule (Cron job):
Program: "C:\....path to php.exe"
Add arguments: StartBot.php
Start in: C:\..... (without a \ at the end) - is set to the directory where the bot files are located.
Replace $php_args = " -c ./ " with $php_args = " ", if you don't want the bot PHP instance to look for a php.ini file in the directory where PHP is located.
You need to tell PHP to "start" from the bot dir, otherwise the relative paths in the code won't work.
To see it in action, open cmd, cd to the bot dir and type php StartBot.php, or use the .bat files (remember to edit them and remove the -c ./ variable first, otherwise PHP will look for a php.ini file in the bot dir).