BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton
Archive => Age of Conan Archive => AoC 0.6 support => Topic started by: Chaoz on May 12, 2010, 02:34:59 pm
Hey hey :)
Same procedure as last time. I took the 0.6.7 version of BeBot and fixed it to log in on expansion:)
Changelist ( for the BeBot devs ) :
If you do not want to wait for the BeBot patch, you can download the AOChat.php file here : and overwrite your Sources\AOChat.php file.
Again, thanks alot for your work Chaoz!!!
Really awesome Chaoz :D
Thank you for your work ^^ We really appreciate it
You are awesome!!!!!
Thanks for the fix. Worked perfectly.
Me and my whole guild thank you for all your hard work!
Indeed, thank you again for the updates!
Thank you Chaoz for providing a php fix which is above and beyond what you really need to do :)
The BeBot team and AoC community at large is very grateful :)
I love you Chaoz :P
The headline announcement is not shown, no matter how much I used !headline add command. Also the raidcal module keeps spamming the sign ups in tells (possible problem: bot keeps relogging in). This did not happen before the expansion.
Looks like I need to wait for the real update?
Thank you Chaoz! Good to have the bot back up and running. :)
Thank you once again :)
I love you Chaoz :P
The headline announcement is not shown, no matter how much I used !headline add command. Also the raidcal module keeps spamming the sign ups in tells (possible problem: bot keeps relogging in). This did not happen before the expansion.
Looks like I need to wait for the real update?
hm I haven't tried that..might be that it messes up something if you replace my entire file. Will have to diff the last aochat.php file in the repository I guess against mine :)
CAN'T really test it yet, servers are again down but thanks for this :) you really making all our life's easier..I just wish funcom would do the same, and stop messing with the protocols.
Thanks again for your work, Chaoz! I added your fixes to the repository and hope, Khalem is building a new release soon.
Thanks. works like a charm.
I used that on a 0.6.5 version and did not work. updated worked perfectly ;)
Every since Funcom did the second patch, all of the problems are gone.
Wewt! Thanks Chaoz
awsome job chaoz
ive been without internet for three days so thought id get the bot sorted while im still patching
works like a dream
much appriciated
Cheers man nice work :)