Archive > AoC 0.6 support

AoC Patch 1.05 login information

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That should hopefully be everything you need to get the ball rolling, just PM me if you have additional questions.

I might start trying to implement this myself to get the bots back into conan, but i dont have the time, energy or pressure from my guild to bother starting on it. So if anyone else fixes it ill be a happy camper (along with all the other conan bebot users)

Come on man! *Sending pressure*
No but seriously how long would it take you to rewrite some of the core in AOChat.php from bebot to support this new authentication method?

You have done 80% now already. The hardest part is now done.

PS: The only problem is that bebot is a AO and AOC php bot. And now that AoC has changed the login authentication. It is going to pull the bebot bot apart from AO. (As AO is still using the old authProtocol.)

Well i dont really know the core workings of BeBot so i dont really know hom much work it would be to implement a new login path for conan while still retaining the ability to log in to ao.
And im too lazy to accept your pressure.

Ok... That really sucks. Oh wait maybe this will help:

--- Quote from: -h4mi-;1345914 ---If you do, you should set up a paypal for donations. I would donate.
--- End quote ---

There are a few other ppl who PMed me about this so ill wait and see if they fix it ;)


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