Archive > AoC 0.6 support

AoC Patch 1.05 login information

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Hmmm I need Cimmeria US PvP-RP...

The most important thing was our PEPGP system and I just loaded it up on my webserver.. trying that little workaround.

Addict.. maybe...


--- Quote from: Nysom on June 30, 2009, 12:46:17 am ---Ok, so does anyone have the server IP's and new ports? The php files open fairly easily in Excel and perhaps it can be a manual workaround for now... 

--- End quote ---

That's not the big issue preventing your BeBot from working.
FC changed the protocol, so the bot needs quite a heavy update.
But an update is on it's way on the AoC forums.

with Chaoz files , I had to update serverlist.php for Set server's port to 7000 and bot is up and running now!


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