Archive > AoC 0.6 support

AoC 1.05 Line Breaks


So I guess everyone is too busy with getting their bots working, but as we have I'm having yet again issues with empty line break. They messed this up once before so we coded in e.g. <br>&nbsp;<br> to get an empty line, but now it yet again does not work?

I'm using some guide module that originally converted normal line breaks automatically, now I got a <br> behind each line and the above to make empty lines.

I've noticed a "<font color=xxxxxx><br>" instead of the <br>&nbsp;<br> does produce empty lines, but what a messy hack.

Anyone got a fix or is this maybe just me :)

Noticed the same. I used an even uglier hack : "\n<center> </center>"


Anybody able to produce easy linebreaks then? :)

<br></><br> still works. (yes, very ugly too)

Anyone been able to capture how Funcom produces linebreaks in AoC?


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