BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

Archive => Age of Conan Archive => AoC 0.6 support => Topic started by: Heiru on May 12, 2009, 10:49:24 pm

Title: Age of Conan Guild Chat Relay Problem
Post by: Heiru on May 12, 2009, 10:49:24 pm
Hello everyone! First of all, awesome program!

I have the latest version of BeBop with PHP 5 and MySQL 5.01 I believe, I will have to double check that.  The whole bot is working just fine, but I cannot seem to get the guild chat relay to work between two guilds in Age of Conan.

The two guilds are the same guild per say, but we have two seperate guilds in the game to let people RP and the other guild in game is for the PVE/PVP.

Guild A has the Boobbot and Guild B has the Taskbot.  Boobbot and Taskbot are sharing the same database in MySQL.  Since I only have two bots that I want to share each other's guild chat with I went with the DB relay option.  I have followed the instructions here in these forums to set it up for DB relay, but I don't see anything happening in the two consoles of the bots. From the FAQ I read, it suggested to not do the /tell relay option because it may get me banned from Funcom.

Since I felt a little crazy one night I tried the /tell relay option and that didn't seem to work either.  In the console when I would say something in Guild A, Guild B's bot would say that person is not a member of that bot.....even though they share the same database?

Looking for some help to get the DB relay function working or the /tell relay function working as I really don't want to setup a third bot just for relay since I already have two bots.

Thanks in advance!
Title: Re: Age of Conan Guild Chat Relay Problem
Post by: Heiru on May 13, 2009, 02:20:48 am
Disregard.  I was looking through the forums here and I tried !member add bot1  and then the same for the other bot and bam the started talking.
Title: Re: Age of Conan Guild Chat Relay Problem
Post by: keirou on May 13, 2009, 10:33:06 am
make sure both bots are members of eachother
also the issues i found is it often duplicated the tables in the sql but with a _ infront thus no registered users etc.

fortunatly for me though the guilds have merged down into the 1 now.
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