Archive > AoC 0.6 support

!items command and AOC crafted items


My guild in Age of Conan really loves the !items command. Since we got a few new areas added, with new loot, every time we get new loot we drag and drop the item into guild chat, and the bot picks it up and remembers it. That's especially nice, except it doesn't pick up crafted gear.

For example, the items database which came with 0.6.2 doesn't have the Vanaheim Conquerer Tasset. I can craft this item, so I crafted it and drag and dropped the item into guild chat for the bot to pick up. After running !items vanaheim again, the item is not there. It's not picking up the crafted item.

Is there a way to update my database?


Some topics about the same...

Basically ItemReg seems broken then from all these I read.


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