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Author Topic: Slaves  (Read 130016 times)

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Offline Khalem

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Re: Slaves
« Reply #45 on: April 06, 2010, 12:42:50 pm »
The error logging level is set in your php.ini

0.6 will produce a large amount of notices/warnings, and a lot of work has gone into fixing all those in the 0.7/0.8 branch
BeBot Founder and Fixer Kingpin

Offline Shelly

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Re: Slaves
« Reply #46 on: November 15, 2011, 12:31:56 pm »

It would seem there is something system specific then which is causing issues only with the slaves module.
I know this topic is an old one, but I am having this issue now after migrating my bots over to a 64bit Fedora Linux system.

As there was no *fix* noted in this thread, I am re-starting it to see if anyone had a chance to look into this? I compared the login/authenticate code bits from the Bot.php and this 02_Slaves.php module. I did note some differences. Will try to get more details when I can do more troubleshooting.

This works fine running under 32bit OS.


Offline Tyrence

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Re: Slaves
« Reply #47 on: November 16, 2011, 06:45:47 pm »
I looked through this module and couldn't see the problem.

If you don't find a fix, you could try the AO Chat Proxy program that I wrote.  I wrote it for Budabot, but it should work equally well for Bebot also.,870.0.html

Offline Shelly

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Re: Slaves
« Reply #48 on: November 18, 2011, 02:14:39 am »
Thanks Tyrence!

I did get it to work. I even took it one step further... Because I run multiple bots, I created a proxy for each series of bots (on different ports of course). I run Linux Bots, so this may not work for windows...

The Mods:
conf/ServerList.php Add the localhost lines "Proxy-*"
Code: [Select]
// AO
$server_list['ao']['Testlive']      = array('server'=>'''port'=>7109);
$server_list['ao']['Atlantean']     = array('server'=>'''port'=>7101);
$server_list['ao']['Rimor']         = array('server'=>'''port'=>7102);
$server_list['ao']['Die neue welt'] = array('server'=>'''port'=>7103);
$server_list['ao']['Proxy-1']       = array('server'=>'localhost''port'=>9991);
$server_list['ao']['Proxy-2']       = array('server'=>'localhost''port'=>9992);
$server_list['ao']['Proxy-3']       = array('server'=>'localhost''port'=>9993);

In your bothome/conf/Botname.Bot.conf file change your dimension to 4,5, or 6 depending on which local port you want to use from above:
Code: [Select]
        $dimension = "4";                               // The name of the server you play on, or (1, 2 or 3 for AO)
In bothome/Sources/Bot.php between Line 219 & 220 Insert (leave off the "Default:"):
Code: [Select]
                        case "4":
                                $dimension = "Proxy-1";
                        case "5":
                                $dimension = "Proxy-2";
                        case "6":
                                $dimension = "Proxy-3";

Then for each Proxy create a separate folder (Proxy-1, Proxy-2, Proxy-3 ... for instance)
In each folder edit the file and change the proxy to match what you set in the bothome/conf/Botname.Bot.conf file. Follow the instructions Tyrence supplies with his code for the proper settings. example:
Code: [Select]



So... in my example
1. Bot1 (uses port 9991 -- A.K.A. Proxy-1) so the bothome/conf/Bot1.Bot.conf file uses dimension(4)
2. The bothome/conf/Bot1.Bot.conf file lists your main chatbot character which is also entered as bot1_* entries in the Proxy-1/ file. (see above)
3. What you would have placed in the bothome/conf/Botname.Bot.conf file in the "slaves lines" goes into the bot2_*, bot3_*, ect.
4. Start your Proxy up ... I suggest "cd Proxy-1; nohup &"
5. Start your Bot1 bot up and watch the magic!

Many thanks to Tyrence for his work on the proxy application!

« Last Edit: November 18, 2011, 02:17:39 am by Shelly »

Offline Kyr

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Re: Slaves
« Reply #49 on: November 20, 2011, 02:07:11 am »
I am going to try using this mod on one of my AoC bots.  Anyone have any advice or things to watch out for?


Offline Shelly

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Re: Slaves
« Reply #50 on: November 26, 2011, 02:53:00 am »
I am going to try using this mod on one of my AoC bots.  Anyone have any advice or things to watch out for?

Hey Kyr,

Sorry I don't have much experience with AoC bots, but your should be able to modify the AOC lines like I did for AO.

Read the guide Tyrence has for install would be the best answer I could give.


Offline Heffalomp

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Re: Slaves
« Reply #51 on: May 10, 2012, 01:37:27 am »
For this to work in 64bit (*nix atleast) you need to change line 405 from
Code: [Select]
if (!$this -> aoc[$num] -> connect($server, $port))to
Code: [Select]
if (!$this -> aoc[$num] -> connect($server, $port, $this -> bot -> sixtyfourbit))so it knows wether it's on a 64bit system or not.

All I had to change in the module to get it to work :-)

Attached fixed 02_Slaves.php
« Last Edit: May 10, 2012, 01:39:53 am by Heffalomp »
"Ubuntu" is an ancient African word, meaning "I can't configure Slackware"

Offline Shelly

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Re: Slaves
« Reply #52 on: May 11, 2012, 05:17:54 pm »
For this to work in 64bit (*nix atleast) you need to change line 405 from
Code: [Select]
if (!$this -> aoc[$num] -> connect($server, $port))to
Code: [Select]
if (!$this -> aoc[$num] -> connect($server, $port, $this -> bot -> sixtyfourbit))so it knows wether it's on a 64bit system or not.

All I had to change in the module to get it to work :-)

Thanks! That works beautifully!


Offline Heffalomp

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Re: Slaves
« Reply #53 on: February 28, 2013, 01:10:36 am »
To make slaves work on the new servers, change function connect2($num) part of main/02_Slaves.php (around line 366) to also contain
Code: [Select]
                        case "5":
                                $dimension = "Rubi-Ka";

like this:
Code: [Select]
        function connect2($num)

                // Get dimension server
                switch($this -> bot -> dimension)
                        case "0":
                                $dimension = "Testlive";
                        case "1";
                                $dimension = "Atlantean";
                        case "2":
                                $dimension = "Rimor";
                        case "3":
                                $dimension = "Die neue welt";
                        case "5":
                                $dimension = "Rubi-Ka";
                                $dimension = ucfirst(strtolower($this -> bot -> dimension));
"Ubuntu" is an ancient African word, meaning "I can't configure Slackware"

Offline Thom

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Re: Slaves
« Reply #54 on: January 31, 2014, 07:21:49 am »
I tried to install that module .....  and after I fixed some Errors it seems to work..... but then there was a strange notice in terminal.... 

Bot [2014-01-31 06:23:48]   [LOGIN]   [STATUS]   Connecting to ao server
Bot [2014-01-31 06:23:48]   [LOGIN]   [STATUS]   Authenticating bot
Bot [2014-01-31 06:23:50]   [LOGIN]   [STATUS]   Logging in Bot
Bot [2014-01-31 06:23:50]   [LOGIN]   [RESULT]   OK
Bot1 [2014-01-31 06:23:50]   [LOGIN]   [STATUS]   Connecting to  server
Bot1 [2014-01-31 06:23:50]   [LOGIN]   [STATUS]   Authenticating bot1
AOChat: 91a092cb96e553244e728c3ebda0ac03
then the bot automatic restarts.....
any1 has an idea how to fix this or an idea what this could be ? Oo

the function which gives the notice is in AOChat.php line 629:
   // If we recieve anything but the character list, something's wrong.
        if ($packet->type != AOCP_LOGIN_CHARLIST) {
            die("AOChat: {$packet->args[0]}\n");

please help me :) .....
« Last Edit: April 02, 2014, 04:39:01 am by Thom »

Offline Thom

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Re: Slaves
« Reply #55 on: April 04, 2014, 05:05:26 am »
Maybe my slaves module is broken  :'( .... can some who's got a working module upload it for me pls....  :)

Offline mcgunman

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Re: Slaves
« Reply #56 on: January 12, 2015, 10:52:17 pm »
I only took the last posted version and added the lines Heffalomp said and it seems working on my linux system. maybe you just want to diff it with your version, so modules attached

Offline bitnykk

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Re: Slaves
« Reply #57 on: December 27, 2020, 05:01:18 pm »
So to complement this (old) topic, there seems to have 2 ways to extend 1K friendlist with slaves on Bebot 0.6.x :

1/ the Slaves.php module posted upper by Heffa that will implement several connection on different toons in order to allow main bot to obtain 1K extension per slave ; this implementation is somehow simple but also quite heavy as it will recreate a limited bot per slave ; sidenote is the difficulty about PHP 7 portability for Bebot 0.7, but may work for AOC*.

2/ the AoChatProxy service proposed earlier by Tyrence that will let you run a localhost connection proxy with its own parameters in order to obtain 1K extension per slave ; this implementation is indeed more complex but also rather light as the slaves ain't bots for real ; sidenote is the easy way to port it PHP 7 and Bebot 0.7, but works only for AO.


Therefore, for AO, i suggest solution 2/ by :

Creating the main bot + all its needed slaves in froob accounts.

Downloading AOCP at
(If none yet, you may also need to install Java JDK for your OS)
Configure within (copied from template) with :
- proxy local port (9993 by default, advised unless you know why you change)
- server distant adress & port (according to what game/dimension you need)
- all the slaves you want starting at number one (with user, pass, name)
Once ready, run the service (run.bat on windows, on linux/mac).
Then the service should be waiting for main bot connection ...

Then edit the bot following files :

conf/Serverlist in which you should add at least the line you need :
Code: [Select]
$server_list['ao']['AoTestProxy'] = array('server'=>'localhost', 'port'=>9993);
$server_list['ao']['AoLiveProxy'] = array('server'=>'localhost', 'port'=>9993);
$server_list['ao']['AoRk19Proxy'] = array('server'=>'localhost', 'port'=>9993);
$server_list['aoc']['AocProxy']  = array('server'=>'localhost', 'port'=>9993);

Sources/Bot.php in which the top switch should be added AO block you need :
Code: [Select]
case "90";
$dimension = "AoTestProxy";
$this -> dimension = 0;
case "95";
$dimension = "AoLiveProxy";
$this -> dimension = 5;
case "96";
$dimension = "AoRk19Proxy";
$this -> dimension = 6;

Finally edit you conf/Bot.conf and set $dimension to the correct value :
For AOC it's a name : $dimension = "Aocproxy";
For AO its a number, e.g. for Live Proxy : $dimension = "95";

Now, run main bot and it should connect along with all slaves.
(This may take long especially the first time with huge list ...)
Therefore the resulting friendlist limit is now 1k x (main + X slaves).
E.g. with 4 slaves : 1k x (1+4) = 5k

NB : for Bebot 0.7.15+ please check the Readme on Sandbox and/or Official

Offline bitnykk

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Re: Slaves
« Reply #58 on: December 28, 2020, 05:01:18 pm »
* : after many tests, seems the slaves modules works for Bebot 0.6 on AO but won't be appliable for AOC in Bebot 0.7 ; therefore here are my conclusions :

Bebot 0.6 :
- AO => can use slaves module OR AoCP solution
- AOC => might use slaves module only (need testing)
Both are documented within this thread upper.

Bebot 0.7(.15 patch incoming) :
- AO => must use AoCP solution
- AOC => will be provided with a new tailored solution
Both are documented within 0.7 Readme from Git.


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