Archive > AO 0.6.x Custom/Unofficial modules

New Orders.php


Released an updated version of Orders.php for Bebot 0.6.x, only been tested on 0.6.3 but should be no reason for it to not work on the whole 0.6.x

Includes self help and settings

have heavily tweaked the original from bebot 0.2.x
customized all the settings where appropriate, would love to know if anything else needs to be done.

for some reason I cannot upload the file so I have quoted it as code

--- Code: ---<?
* Orders.php - Cyclic Orders.
* Written by Andrew Zbikowski <[email protected]> (AKA Glarawyn, RK1)
* Updated by Mafo0, RK1 for 0.6.x
* Version 0.6.3 - 1

$Orders = new Orders($bot);

The Class itself...
class Orders extends BaseActiveModule
{ // Start Class
var $bot;
    var $settime = 1;
    var $currentorders = "";
var $setby = "";

Hands over a referance to the "Bot" class.
function __construct(&$bot)
parent::__construct(&$bot, get_class($this));

$this -> register_command('all', 'orders', 'MEMBER');

$this -> bot -> core("settings") -> create('Orders', 'Set', 'LEADER', 'Who should be able to set and clear orders', 'GUEST;MEMBER;LEADER;ADMIN;SUPERADMIN;OWNER');
$this -> bot -> core("settings") -> create('Orders', 'Repeat', '2mins', 'How often the orders should repeat, This argument needs to be a format as described by', '');
$this -> bot -> core("settings") -> create('Orders', 'Timeout', '30mins', 'How long to clear the orders, unless orders refresh or clear is used, This argument needs to be a format as described by', '');
$this -> bot -> core("settings") -> create('Orders', 'Channel', 'both', 'Which channel(s) to send the orders to', 'both;pgroup;guild');

$this -> register_event("pgjoin");

$this -> help['description'] = 'This module enables the raid leader to post current orders';
$this -> help['command']['orders'] = "Shows the current orders";
$this -> help['command']['orders set'] = "Sets the orders";
$this -> help['command']['orders clear'] = "Clears the orders";
$this -> help['command']['orders refresh'] = "resets the timer";

$this -> help['notes'].= "The time arguments needs to be a format as described by ";
$this -> help['notes'].= "This means that formats like most dates and also '1 month', 'next thursday' etc. are allowed.<br>";

Unified message handler
$source: The originating player
$msg: The actual message, including command prefix and all
$origin: The channel the message arrived from. This can be either "tell", "pgmsg" or "gc"
function command_handler($source, $msg, $origin)

//parse_com() returns an array where the pattern is the keys and the values are split out from $msg
$com = $this->parse_com($msg, array('com', 'sub', 'msg'));

case 'orders':
case 'set':
if($this -> bot -> core("security") -> check_access($source, $this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get('Orders', 'Set')))
return($this -> set_orders($source, $com['msg']));
$this -> error -> set("You must be ".$this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get('Orders', 'Set')." or higher to set the orders");
case 'clear':
if($this -> bot -> core("security") -> check_access($source, $this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get('Orders', 'Set')))
return($this -> clear_orders($source));
$this -> error -> set("You must be ".$this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get('Orders', 'Set')." or higher to clear the orders");
case 'refresh':
if($this -> bot -> core("security") -> check_access($source, $this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get('Orders', 'Set')))
return($this -> refresh_orders());
$this -> error -> set("You must be ".$this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get('Orders', 'Set')." or higher to refersh the orders");
if(isset($this -> currentorders))
return($this -> bot -> send_output("", $this -> currentorders, $this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get('Orders', 'Channel')));
if($origin == 'tell')
return($this -> bot -> send_output($source, "There are no orders at this time", 'tell'));
return($this -> bot -> send_output($source, "There are no orders at this time", $this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get('Orders', 'Channel')));
// Just a safety net to allow you to catch errors where a module has registered  a command, but fails to actually do anything about it
$this -> error -> set("Broken plugin, recieved unhandled command: " . $com['com']);

This gets called on cron
function cron()
$remander = $this -> settime - time() + $this -> bot -> core("time") -> parse_time($this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get('Orders', 'Timeout'));
if($this->settime != 1 && $remander > 0)
$this -> bot -> send_output("", $this->currentorders, $this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get('Orders', 'Channel'));
if ($remander <= $this -> bot -> core("time") -> parse_time($this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get('Orders', 'Repeat')))
$this -> bot -> send_output($this -> setby , "Your orders are going to time out in " . $remander . " seconds, use orders refresh to reset the timer", "tell");
else if ($this -> settime > 1)

This gets called on pgjoin
function pgjoin($name)
if ($this->settime != 1)
$this -> bot -> send_output($name, $this -> currentorders, "tell");

This gets called when bot connects
function connect()
$this -> $settime = 1;
$this -> $currentorders = "";
$this -> $setby = "";

        Set's orders
    function set_orders($name, $message)
$this -> bot -> core("time") -> parse_time($this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get('Orders', 'Timeout')) <= 0
&& $this -> bot -> core("time") -> parse_time($this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get('Orders', 'Repeat')) <= 0
$this -> error -> set("The settings don't seem to be valid, fix this before using this command");
$this -> register_event("cron", $this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get('Orders', 'Repeat'));
$this -> settime = time();
$this -> setby = $name;

        $ordershead .= "<br><font color=#4fd553>--------------------------------------------------</font><br>";
        $ordershead .= "<font color=#7ce2ec>";

$orders .= " (</font>";
        $orders .= "<font color=#ffffc9>";
        $orders .= $name;
        $orders .= "</font><font color=#7ce2ec>) </font>";
        $orders .= "<font color=#ffff45>";
        $orders .= $message;
        $orders .= "</font>";
        $orders .= "<br><font color=#4fd553>--------------------------------------------------</font><br>";

        $this -> currentorders = $ordershead . "CURRENT ORDERS!" . $orders;
        $this -> bot -> send_output($name, $ordershead . "NEW ORDERS!" . $orders, $this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get('Orders', 'Channel') );

        Refesh orders
    function refresh_orders()
$this -> error -> set("You cannot refresh orders that don't exist");
$this -> register_event("cron", $this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get('Orders', 'Repeat'));
$this -> settime = time();

        Clears current orders.
    function clear_orders($person)
        $this -> settime = 1;
        $this -> currentorders = "";
$message = "Orders cleared";
if ($person)
$message .= "by " . $person;
        $this -> bot -> send_output($name, $message , $this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get('Orders', 'Channel') );
$this -> unregister_event("cron");

        Sends the current orders.
function send_orders()
if(isset($this -> currentorders))
$this -> bot -> send_output("", $this -> currentorders, $this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get('Orders', 'Channel'));
} // End of Class

--- End code ---

I think a description of this module and what it does would be nice :)


--- Quote from: Tyrence on March 01, 2010, 07:22:26 pm ---I think a description of this module and what it does would be nice :)

--- End quote ---
Could it be...

--- Quote ---'This module enables the raid leader to post current orders';
'orders' = "Shows the current orders";
'orders set' = "Sets the orders";
'orders clear' = "Clears the orders";
'orders refresh' = "resets the timer";

"The time arguments needs to be a format as described by "
"This means that formats like most dates and also '1 month', 'next thursday' etc. are allowed."
--- End quote ---

But yeah... something about what the module can be used for would probably help too. :)


--- Quote from: MafooUK on June 29, 2009, 11:10:27 pm ---for some reason I cannot upload the file so I have quoted it as code

--- End quote ---

Try changing the ".php" to ".phps" on the end of the file. Sometimes firewall filters get in the way of distributing what may be considered live or executable code. :)

And also open click on the " + Additional Options... " Just below the box where you type in this window.


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