BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

Archive => Anarchy Online Archive => AO 0.6.x Custom/Unofficial modules => Topic started by: Temar on September 27, 2007, 05:43:28 am

Title: AutoMember
Post by: Temar on September 27, 2007, 05:43:28 am


This Module will Automatically add Users who Join the Private Group to Member List
After you Get this and restart your bot you need to turn it on
/tell botname !set
and click AutoMember
also You can Use the Faction and Minlevel setting from flexible security if you want
Don't turn Restrict on if you are not using Flexible Security as it will Prob Add nobody

Your can Now Set it to Remove member when they leave Guest Channel
You can Have Temp Member on if you want it to ONLY delete temp member and will not delete your normal members


Part of the Module will Clean your Member List For you
The setting for who to remove are Level and Faction
there is a safe list to add people you don't want to be deleted
i didn't see a point with having the lower than level so its only higher than XX level
default set to 220 so thats 221+ so no 1 (except maybe a GM)

also Does a Check for faction (Default is None)
you set faction in setting and you chose the faction you WANT to be deleted
example i have a clan bot set to Not Clan, and that will remove Neutral and Omni

How to Use
cleansafe add <name> " add to Safe list "
cleansafe del <name> " Delete from safe list "
cleansafe rem <name> " Delete from safe list "
cleannow " Make it do a Clean now, although it should do every 24hr and on bot boot "

Any more changed Etc Please reply to topic :D

oh and dont forget to turn on and set my module with !set AutoMember and !set AutoMemberClean

Change Log

Title: Re: AutoMember.php
Post by: Temar on January 23, 2008, 08:43:37 am
Well my Raid bot was getting to 1k (983)
so i added some code to this module
it now removes some users from buddy list only
they are still members
it choses the members with oldest last_seen

they are readded iver by bot simple because of space (requires 20+ space before this is triggered)
or if they join the privgroup they will be readded also

they also get notified of the status change with bot (altho chances are most will never be read, inactive accounts)
Title: Re: AutoMember.php
Post by: clashbot on February 01, 2008, 09:27:49 pm
Error message Fatal error: call to undefined method AOChat::buddy_rem() in automember.php on line 338
Title: Re: AutoMember.php
Post by: Temar on February 01, 2008, 09:35:43 pm
oops thats code for 0.5.0 ill fix when i get in from work in about 2 hours and 30mins
Title: Re: AutoMember.php
Post by: clashbot on February 01, 2008, 09:37:27 pm stable is 5 now?
Title: Re: AutoMember.php
Post by: Temar on February 01, 2008, 09:45:34 pm
its good i always use it
There is a post i have done under unofficial module 0.5.0 to easily down load it
Title: Re: AutoMember.php
Post by: Temar on February 02, 2008, 12:59:53 am
ok Now i Have Posted the 0.5.0
If you are still running 0.4.3 get the Module i just posted and it should work, along with other 0.5.0 modules  ;D
Title: Re: AutoMember.php
Post by: clashbot on February 02, 2008, 05:18:16 am
I hate being the harbinger of bad news, but got another error on the same line, "call to a member function buddy_remove() on a non-object in automember.php on line 338"
Title: Re: AutoMember.php
Post by: clashbot on February 02, 2008, 05:26:20 am
nvm again, saw the support module...having a blonde night
Title: Re: AutoMember.php
Post by: Alreadythere on February 02, 2008, 12:21:36 pm stable is 5 now?
0.5 is pretty stable at the moment.
Title: Re: AutoMember.php
Post by: Temar on February 14, 2008, 02:49:44 am
Today there was an Omni on my Clan bot
This user had Changed Sides and would of been removed on next memberclean
but till then he can have access?

so i added a Check when members join Pgroup
if not on the safelist
and meets the req to Ban (see !set automember and setting autoban)
He will be Kicked and Banned from Bot

The only Problem i can see at the moment would be if u Invite an Omni
you can add them to safelist but i wana try find a better solution to determin if they were invited or not
Title: Re: AutoMember.php
Post by: DocJones on March 25, 2008, 02:26:40 pm
Today there was an Omni on my Clan bot
This user had Changed Sides and would of been removed on next memberclean
but till then he can have access?

so i added a Check when members join Pgroup
if not on the safelist
and meets the req to Ban (see !set automember and setting autoban)
He will be Kicked and Banned from Bot

The only Problem i can see at the moment would be if u Invite an Omni
you can add them to safelist but i wana try find a better solution to determin if they were invited or not

I have set up a TL5+ froob raid force and added the mixlevel (150) and ai_level (0) restriction to the pgjoin/clean function. However, i have the problem that a lower levelled toon can join, get's added and will be deleted only when a !cleannow / reboot occurs.
What do i have to do to enforce the TL5+/Froob requirements upon joining?

Title: Re: AutoMember.php
Post by: Temar on March 25, 2008, 05:27:17 pm
you need to set join to guest. Then use flexible security to give the users you want on bot guest access.
Title: Re: AutoMember.php
Post by: clashbot on May 23, 2008, 07:55:20 am
is this working with the 5.1 branch?
Title: Re: AutoMember.php
Post by: Temar on May 23, 2008, 09:16:28 am
prob not, its 3month old since updated, ill to is tomorrow, going bed now
Title: Re: AutoMember.php
Post by: Temar on May 28, 2008, 06:37:18 am
Done! :D
Title: Re: AutoMember.php
Post by: clashbot on May 28, 2008, 07:05:09 am
parse error: syntax error, unexpected } line 96
Title: Re: AutoMember.php
Post by: clashbot on May 28, 2008, 07:19:38 am
fixed the first parse error by adding ";" on line 95, but now getting another one on line 177 unexpected '*' expecting ')'
Title: Re: AutoMember.php
Post by: clashbot on May 28, 2008, 07:25:47 am
removed the math, and put in straight hours...seems to load now
Title: Re: AutoMember.php
Post by: Shelly on May 29, 2008, 12:33:40 am
Thanks for this wonderful module. I had to make the same changes and the module looks to be working correctly now.

Title: Re: AutoMember
Post by: Zweiblum on August 12, 2008, 04:16:44 pm
hmm something im confused about:
when i join the bot and do !notify im mentioned as Member, but when i !leave and do !notify via tell he says that there arent any1 on notify.

I think that AutoMember deletes the !notify information aswell. is there any way to prevent that autodel for members of the bot? (that happends even to me a Owner and Superadmin...)

and i did the following and stil lget the notifies:
BuddyNotify:  Off
  Description: Should User be Told they have been Added or Removed from notify?
Title: Re: AutoMember
Post by: Temar on August 12, 2008, 07:34:31 pm
This module only removes User if AddTemp is ON OR DelTemp is OFF when they leave PG
Title: Re: AutoMember
Post by: Zweiblum on August 14, 2008, 05:44:02 pm
k i think its working now.
but i need to restart the bot every time to update the memberlist.
so when i first got a toon as member and then promote hm to admin, i need to restart the bot instend of !cleannow

and if a clan (i got a omni only bot) joining the bot via !adduser i get a warning (and thats fine for the first time) but when he leaves he still can join again until i restartet the bot. then he gets insta banned (as it should be)
Title: Re: AutoMember
Post by: Temar on August 14, 2008, 09:17:51 pm
i dont understand why u would have to restart the bot

Dont use !adduser for Clan, u are basicly added them to your bot as MEMBER
instead do what i do and simply !invite them
then once they leave or you give they cant rejoin with out an invite

I have Added a timeout for the !invite ban prevention, which i realised is needed from the fact he could keep joining after just 1 invite
Title: Re: AutoMember
Post by: Zweiblum on September 11, 2008, 03:39:23 pm
using a bebot 0.4.3 with the 0.5 support module and getting this:

Fatal error:  Call to a member function get_version() on a non-object in C:\bebot-0.4.3\bebot-0.4.3\custom\modules\0.5.0_Support.php(67) : eval()'d code on line 89

any idea?
Title: Re: AutoMember
Post by: Temar on September 11, 2008, 11:17:15 pm
yes that a call the the table version function that is now in 0.5
i will update the support module
Title: Re: AutoMember
Post by: Temar on September 12, 2008, 02:18:42 am
well i have already done it so not sure why your got that error
you got the latest support module?
Title: Re: AutoMember
Post by: Zweiblum on September 12, 2008, 09:09:04 am
hmmm i redownloaded both now... i get this error now: Parse error:  parse error, unexpected T_VARIABLE, expecting ';' in C:\bebot-0.4.3\bebot-0.4.3\custom\modules\0.5.0_Support.php(67) : eval()'d code on line 321

but atleast i got AutoMember in settings now. maybe its working ;)
Title: Re: AutoMember
Post by: Zweiblum on September 12, 2008, 11:53:31 am
ok... i setted everything in automember, but nothinh happening, so i guess its broken :/

so yes: i got latest version from first posts each and still not working
Title: Re: AutoMember
Post by: Temar on September 12, 2008, 02:32:44 pm
Bug Fix (unable to change attachments):
    Line 314: unset($this -> invites[$name])
    should be: unset($this -> invites[$name]);
Title: Re: AutoMember
Post by: Zweiblum on September 12, 2008, 02:38:38 pm
yes, i tried this but im getting
Fatal error:  Call to a member function get_version() on a non-object in C:\bebot-0.4.3\bebot-0.4.3\custom\modules\0.5.0_Support.php(67) : eval()'d code on line 89
still... :/

but thx for answer
Title: Re: AutoMember - Solved
Post by: daltarak on September 12, 2008, 11:34:47 pm
ok... i setted everything in automember, but nothinh happening, so i guess its broken :/

so yes: i got latest version from first posts each and still not working

It is not working for me either. I think my bot can not view the guild chat because it is not listening to any guild commands...

Any ideas?

Edit: I logged in my account with bot's character and created a tab for the guild channel. It is working now.
Title: Re: AutoMember
Post by: Zweiblum on September 14, 2008, 01:05:32 pm
yes, i tried this but im getting
Fatal error:  Call to a member function get_version() on a non-object in C:\bebot-0.4.3\bebot-0.4.3\custom\modules\0.5.0_Support.php(67) : eval()'d code on line 89
still... :/

but thx for answer

stil lgot this error :/
Title: Re: AutoMember
Post by: exxie on October 19, 2008, 05:47:21 am
ok... i setted everything in automember, but nothinh happening, so i guess its broken :/

so yes: i got latest version from first posts each and still not working

yeah, same problem here.

i can use !settings automember and set everything up in there without any problem but it seems to not enter the function pgjoin($name), so nothing happens when someone joins the private group.

i have an 0.4.3 running in raid mode with the 0.5.0_Support module. startup without any errors:

Code: [Select]
[050-CUSTOM]    [DIR]   Loading Version 0.5.0 Modules in directory custom/050/
[050-CUSTOM]    [LOAD]  AutoMember.php
[MOD]   [LOAD]  0.5.0_Support.php

the module seems to respond only to commands but not to events.

any ideas?
Title: Re: AutoMember
Post by: Temar on October 19, 2008, 09:53:09 pm
ill look into it, its prob an issue with the support module as i use this module with 1 of my raid bots which now have over 1400 member and all is fine
Title: Re: AutoMember
Post by: exxie on October 19, 2008, 11:55:53 pm
ill look into it, its prob an issue with the support module as i use this module with 1 of my raid bots which now have over 1400 member and all is fine
thanks for your effort, Temar!

just tested a little: i put an echo "moo1"; into every function and checked the console. pgjoin() and pgleave() are not triggered, dunno why :-/
command-triggered functions are working properly.
Title: Re: AutoMember
Post by: Temar on October 20, 2008, 02:26:08 am
done it should work now
Title: Re: AutoMember
Post by: Zweiblum on January 25, 2009, 03:06:37 pm
got this when seting DelFaction in AutoMemberClean to Clan oder Neutral:

DelFaction:  ##ao_infotextboldend##
  Description: What Faction Should be Deleted?
  Change to: [ None | Clan | Omni | Neutral | Not Clan | Not Omni | Not Neutral ]

Title: Re: AutoMember
Post by: Temar on January 25, 2009, 04:41:55 pm
i am unable to reproduce the error, also if there is a bug its going to be with the settings module
Title: Re: AutoMember
Post by: clashbot on April 05, 2009, 08:34:30 pm
cleansafe add command is not working even with automember enabled on the 6.x bot, any fix for this temar?
Title: Re: AutoMember
Post by: plugz on May 31, 2009, 04:05:47 pm
Found a parse error when loading in bebot 6.4

Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_VARIABLE, expecting ';' in ~bot~ \custom\modules\AutoMember.php on line 315

added a ; in the line before it, loaded ok
Title: Re: AutoMember
Post by: Temar on March 09, 2010, 07:52:34 pm
Fixed attachment which also includes some fixes and stuff i duno it was long ago! :p
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