I just installed the bebot today, and having never run or known anyone who runs a ao bot, i have some questions.
1) Is there a way to make my server public so that people dont have to be added before they can get responses from the server ?
2) is it possible to make your own commands ? ex. make a command so that if someone does a '/tell <bot> !agent-nanos' then it will respond that user with a script that lists the nanos i have for sale in a info window. I know how to create these info windows, so thas not the issue, just wondering if your able to make your own bot commands, and get that to send scripts.
what im trying to make, is a way to post my nanocrystals in a info window. I tried getting alle the nano crystals in one info window, but because of max length of the script, that was not possible. So now i wanted to try out if its possible via this bot.
Hope you understand what i mean, and if you need more info then just let me know
Best Regards
Dillerdaller (RK1 Fixer)