I recently upgraded my orgs riadbot to 0.6.1. The issue we are having is l the bot is listening to org chat and responds to commands from org chat. I rolled the bot back to .4.3 and the bot behaves as normal.H
ere is the bot.conf for .6.1:
$ao_username = "accountname"; // Account username
$ao_password = "password"; // Account password
$bot_name = "botname"; // Name of the bot-character
$dimension = "1"; // The name of the server you play on, or (1, 2 or 3 for AO)
//$guild = ""; // Name of the guild running the bot (AOC only)I have tried this line comment and uncommented
$guildbot = false; // false if its a raidbot
$guild_id =0; // only if its a guildbot.
Here is .4.3 Bot.conf:
$ao_username = "accountname"; // Account username
$ao_password = "password"; // Account password
$bot_name = "botname"; // Name of the bot-character
$dimension = "1"; // Dimension number (1, 2 or 3)
$guildbot = false; // false if its a raidbot.
$guild_name = ""; // only if its a guildbot.
$guild_id = 0; // only if its a guildbot.
Some additional info. I cut down to only the built in modules and the issue remain. I poured thru the logs and didnt find anything unusual. A little system info I am Ubuntu 7.10 with php 5 and mysql5. Any ideas of what is causing this issue?