Not sure if this is the right place to put this so if it's not my apologies.
I followed the wiki to installing BeBot, few things went wrong in my installation I guess. I changed the PHP scripts like instructed, and installed MySQL the way instructed. I open the CMD promt and start the bot, it starts out saying...
Curl extension loaded
Then it takes some time to load, eventually continues to say,
Warning: mysq_connect(): [2002] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not (trying to connect via tcp://localhost:3306) in C:\BeBot\sources\mysql.php on line 129.
It goes on to say,
MySQL ERROR (#1) Can not connect to the database server at localhost as user myusernamehere@localhost!
Another thing weird is the bot launch comes up as I'm running a 32 bit system when I have a 64 bit system. I'm running win7 so I didn't install the bot files or php into program files. I figure it is possibly something because of win7 that its catching a snag somewhere in accessing the DB. Can anyone halp?