I recently moved my guild from Fury to Crom in AOC and I need to setup to Bebot on Crom. I did the following to accomplish this:
- registered a new F2P account, logged in as that account with Conan client, and created my bot toon
- cleaned up the database
- updated Bot.conf to change $dimension from "Fury" to "Crom" and put in the new login information for $ao_username and $ao_password
Here is my ServerList.php
// AOC
//$server_list['aoc']['EU'] = array('server'=>'aoc-eu-um.live.ageofconan.com', 'port'=>7000);
$server_list['aoc']['US'] = array('server'=>'aoc-us-um.live.ageofconan.com', 'port'=>7010);
$server_list['aoc']['Aoctestlive'] = array('server'=>'testlive.ageofconan.com', 'port'=>7010);
// all AOC servers are consolidated
$server_list['aoc']['Crom'] = $server_list['aoc']['US'];
$server_list['aoc']['Fury'] = $server_list['aoc']['US'];
$server_list['aoc']['Rage'] = $server_list['aoc']['US'];
However, I cannot log in in the bot. I get this error on startup:
Oibot [LOGIN] [STATUS] Authenticating
[Conan Login Server] Connected to aoc-us-um.live.ageofconan.com:7010
[Conan Login Server] Failed to authenticate [auth:4294967295]
[Conan Login Server] Disconnected. [Error while handling packets for loginserver]
Notice: Error while handling packets for Loginserver (aoc-us-um.live.ageofconan.com:7010) in C:\BeBot\Sources\AOChat.php
on line 500
Oibot [CONN] [ERROR] Failed authenticating to server. Retrying in 60 seconds.
There is no firewall running on my bot machine, and I can login fine as the bot user through the regular Conan client.
Any ideas?