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Author Topic: Bebot never connects  (Read 7151 times)

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Offline chrisiamnumber1

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Bebot never connects
« on: December 26, 2009, 09:50:09 pm »
Hi  this is my first post"   ;D... BUT i have a problem every time i launch bebot (i do this through my directory named bebot) i always get this error message :


    _/_/_/              _/_/_/                _/

   _/    _/    _/_/    _/    _/    _/_/    _/_/_/_/

  _/_/_/    _/_/_/_/  _/_/_/    _/    _/    _/

 _/    _/  _/        _/    _/  _/    _/    _/

_/_/_/      _/_/_/  _/_/_/      _/_/        _/_/

         An Anarchy Online Chat Automaton


          An Age of Conan Chat Automaton

         v.0.6.6 - PHP 5.3.1

                 OS: Windows_NT

        Your operating system is detected as 32bit


Curl extension loaded

Warning: mysql_connect(): [2002] A connection attempt failed because the connect
ed party did not  (trying to connect via tcp://localhost:3306) in C:\Program Fil
es\bebot\Sources\MySQL.php on line 129

Warning: mysql_connect(): A connection attempt failed because the connected part
y did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection fai
led because connected host has failed to respond.
 in C:\Program Files\bebot\Sources\MySQL.php on line 129
MySQL ERROR(# 1) on query: Cannot connect to the database server at localhost as
 user delta93!
A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond
 after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host
 has failed to respond.

C:\Program Files\bebot>pause
Press any key to continue . . .

Any ideas/help/solutions/resolutions guys?

Offline Alreadythere

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Re: Bebot never connects
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2009, 12:13:29 am »
Do you have a mySQL server running?

Offline Shelly

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Re: Bebot never connects
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2009, 06:30:12 am »
Or do you have a personal firewall on the maching you  are running the bot on?

Offline chrisiamnumber1

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Re: Bebot never connects
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2009, 12:35:52 pm »
I always turn on / have my mysql server on when trying to run the bot and the only fierwall i use is windows fierwall and ive unblocked the port i use (3306)

Offline Getrix

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Re: Bebot never connects
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2009, 01:44:26 pm »
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
- Sorry, i dont have time to reply question on PM. Make a topic.

Offline chrisiamnumber1

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Re: Bebot never connects
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2009, 08:11:29 pm »
i tried looking at that and no joy same error and now i cant open be bot using the startbot.bat i have to ise the start botdebug.bat (i probably did something to one of the scripts i am checking currently) soon i might just start over

Offline Khalem

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Re: Bebot never connects
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2009, 02:22:08 am »
Try changing localhost to in the config just to check.

Other than that, it seems something is either dropping connections silently (firewall) or whatever is running on the mysql port is simply not responding.
BeBot Founder and Fixer Kingpin

Offline chrisiamnumber1

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Re: Bebot never connects
« Reply #7 on: December 29, 2009, 10:39:25 pm »
Ok NOW I get a different error now I get this:                                         )
CREATE command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'colors'MySQL ERRO
R(# 91) on query: SELECT * FROM ertone76_tablenames WHERE internal_name = 'color
SELECT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_tablenam
es'MySQL ERROR(# 92) on query: INSERT INTO ertone76_tablenames (internal_name, p
refix, use_prefix) VALUES ('color_schemes', 'ertone76', 'true')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_tablenam
es'MySQL ERROR(# 93) on query: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ertone76_color_schemes
                                                module varchar(25) NOT NULL defa
ult '',
                                                name varchar(25) NOT NULL defaul
t '',
                                                color_code varchar(25) NOT NULL
default '',
                                                PRIMARY KEY (module, name)
CREATE command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_color_sc
hemes'MySQL ERROR(# 94) on query: SELECT longdesc, defaultoptions, hidden, dispo
rder FROM ertone76_settings WHERE module = 'Color' AND setting = 'Theme'
SELECT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_settings
'MySQL ERROR(# 95) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO colors (name, code) VALUES ('aqu
a', '#00FFFF')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'colors'MySQL ERRO
R(# 96) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO colors (name, code) VALUES ('beige', '#FFE3
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'colors'MySQL ERRO
R(# 97) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO colors (name, code) VALUES ('black', '#0000
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'colors'MySQL ERRO
R(# 98) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO colors (name, code) VALUES ('blue', '#0000F
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'colors'MySQL ERRO
R(# 99) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO colors (name, code) VALUES ('bluegray', '#8
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'colors'MySQL ERRO
R(# 100) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO colors (name, code) VALUES ('bluesilver',
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'colors'MySQL ERRO
R(# 101) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO colors (name, code) VALUES ('brown', '#999
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'colors'MySQL ERRO
R(# 102) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO colors (name, code) VALUES ('darkaqua', '#
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'colors'MySQL ERRO
R(# 103) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO colors (name, code) VALUES ('darklime', '#
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'colors'MySQL ERRO
R(# 104) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO colors (name, code) VALUES ('darkorange',
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'colors'MySQL ERRO
R(# 105) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO colors (name, code) VALUES ('darkpink', '#
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'colors'MySQL ERRO
R(# 106) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO colors (name, code) VALUES ('forestgreen',
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'colors'MySQL ERRO
R(# 107) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO colors (name, code) VALUES ('fuchsia', '#F
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'colors'MySQL ERRO
R(# 108) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO colors (name, code) VALUES ('gold', '#CCAA
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'colors'MySQL ERRO
R(# 109) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO colors (name, code) VALUES ('gray', '#8080
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'colors'MySQL ERRO
R(# 110) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO colors (name, code) VALUES ('green', '#008
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'colors'MySQL ERRO
R(# 111) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO colors (name, code) VALUES ('lightbeige',
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'colors'MySQL ERRO
R(# 112) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO colors (name, code) VALUES ('lightfuchsia'
, '#FF63FF')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'colors'MySQL ERRO
R(# 113) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO colors (name, code) VALUES ('lightgray', '
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'colors'MySQL ERRO
R(# 114) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO colors (name, code) VALUES ('lightgreen',
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'colors'MySQL ERRO
R(# 115) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO colors (name, code) VALUES ('brightgreen',
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'colors'MySQL ERRO
R(# 116) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO colors (name, code) VALUES ('lightmaroon',
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'colors'MySQL ERRO
R(# 117) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO colors (name, code) VALUES ('lightteal', '
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'colors'MySQL ERRO
R(# 118) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO colors (name, code) VALUES ('dullteal', '#
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'colors'MySQL ERRO
R(# 119) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO colors (name, code) VALUES ('lightyellow',
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'colors'MySQL ERRO
R(# 120) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO colors (name, code) VALUES ('lime', '#00FF
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'colors'MySQL ERRO
R(# 121) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO colors (name, code) VALUES ('maroon', '#80
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'colors'MySQL ERRO
R(# 122) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO colors (name, code) VALUES ('navy', '#0000
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'colors'MySQL ERRO
R(# 123) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO colors (name, code) VALUES ('olive', '#808
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'colors'MySQL ERRO
R(# 124) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO colors (name, code) VALUES ('orange', '#FF
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'colors'MySQL ERRO
R(# 125) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO colors (name, code) VALUES ('pink', '#FF8C
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'colors'MySQL ERRO
R(# 126) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO colors (name, code) VALUES ('purple', '#80
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'colors'MySQL ERRO
R(# 127) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO colors (name, code) VALUES ('red', '#FF000
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'colors'MySQL ERRO
R(# 128) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO colors (name, code) VALUES ('redpink', '#F
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'colors'MySQL ERRO
R(# 129) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO colors (name, code) VALUES ('seablue', '#6
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'colors'MySQL ERRO
R(# 130) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO colors (name, code) VALUES ('seagreen', '#
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'colors'MySQL ERRO
R(# 131) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO colors (name, code) VALUES ('silver', '#C0
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'colors'MySQL ERRO
R(# 132) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO colors (name, code) VALUES ('tan', '#DDDD4
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'colors'MySQL ERRO
R(# 133) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO colors (name, code) VALUES ('teal', '#0080
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'colors'MySQL ERRO
R(# 134) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO colors (name, code) VALUES ('white', '#FFF
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'colors'MySQL ERRO
R(# 135) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO colors (name, code) VALUES ('yellow', '#FF
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'colors'MySQL ERRO
R(# 136) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO colors (name, code) VALUES ('omni', '#00ff
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'colors'MySQL ERRO
R(# 137) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO colors (name, code) VALUES ('clan', '#ff99
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'colors'MySQL ERRO
R(# 138) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO colors (name, code) VALUES ('neutral', '#f
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'colors'MySQL ERRO
R(# 139) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO ertone76_color_schemes (module, name, colo
r_code) VALUES ('ao', 'admin', 'pink')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_color_sc
hemes'MySQL ERROR(# 140) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO ertone76_color_schemes (mo
dule, name, color_code) VALUES ('ao', 'cash', 'gold')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_color_sc
hemes'MySQL ERROR(# 141) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO ertone76_color_schemes (mo
dule, name, color_code) VALUES ('ao', 'ccheader', 'white')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_color_sc
hemes'MySQL ERROR(# 142) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO ertone76_color_schemes (mo
dule, name, color_code) VALUES ('ao', 'cctext', 'lightgray')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_color_sc
hemes'MySQL ERROR(# 143) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO ertone76_color_schemes (mo
dule, name, color_code) VALUES ('ao', 'clan', 'brightgreen')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_color_sc
hemes'MySQL ERROR(# 144) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO ertone76_color_schemes (mo
dule, name, color_code) VALUES ('ao', 'emote', 'darkpink')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_color_sc
hemes'MySQL ERROR(# 145) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO ertone76_color_schemes (mo
dule, name, color_code) VALUES ('ao', 'error', 'red')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_color_sc
hemes'MySQL ERROR(# 146) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO ertone76_color_schemes (mo
dule, name, color_code) VALUES ('ao', 'feedback', 'yellow')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_color_sc
hemes'MySQL ERROR(# 147) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO ertone76_color_schemes (mo
dule, name, color_code) VALUES ('ao', 'gm', 'redpink')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_color_sc
hemes'MySQL ERROR(# 148) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO ertone76_color_schemes (mo
dule, name, color_code) VALUES ('ao', 'infoheader', 'lightgreen')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_color_sc
hemes'MySQL ERROR(# 149) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO ertone76_color_schemes (mo
dule, name, color_code) VALUES ('ao', 'infoheadline', 'tan')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_color_sc
hemes'MySQL ERROR(# 150) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO ertone76_color_schemes (mo
dule, name, color_code) VALUES ('ao', 'infotext', 'forestgreen')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_color_sc
hemes'MySQL ERROR(# 151) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO ertone76_color_schemes (mo
dule, name, color_code) VALUES ('ao', 'infotextbold', 'white')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_color_sc
hemes'MySQL ERROR(# 152) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO ertone76_color_schemes (mo
dule, name, color_code) VALUES ('ao', 'megotxp', 'yellow')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_color_sc
hemes'MySQL ERROR(# 153) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO ertone76_color_schemes (mo
dule, name, color_code) VALUES ('ao', 'meheald', 'bluegray')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_color_sc
hemes'MySQL ERROR(# 154) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO ertone76_color_schemes (mo
dule, name, color_code) VALUES ('ao', 'mehitbynano', 'white')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_color_sc
hemes'MySQL ERROR(# 155) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO ertone76_color_schemes (mo
dule, name, color_code) VALUES ('ao', 'mehitother', 'lightgray')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_color_sc
hemes'MySQL ERROR(# 156) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO ertone76_color_schemes (mo
dule, name, color_code) VALUES ('ao', 'menubar', 'lightteal')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_color_sc
hemes'MySQL ERROR(# 157) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO ertone76_color_schemes (mo
dule, name, color_code) VALUES ('ao', 'misc', 'white')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_color_sc
hemes'MySQL ERROR(# 158) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO ertone76_color_schemes (mo
dule, name, color_code) VALUES ('ao', 'monsterhitme', 'red')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_color_sc
hemes'MySQL ERROR(# 159) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO ertone76_color_schemes (mo
dule, name, color_code) VALUES ('ao', 'mypet', 'orange')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_color_sc
hemes'MySQL ERROR(# 160) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO ertone76_color_schemes (mo
dule, name, color_code) VALUES ('ao', 'newbie', 'seagreen')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_color_sc
hemes'MySQL ERROR(# 161) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO ertone76_color_schemes (mo
dule, name, color_code) VALUES ('ao', 'news', 'brightgreen')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_color_sc
hemes'MySQL ERROR(# 162) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO ertone76_color_schemes (mo
dule, name, color_code) VALUES ('ao', 'none', 'fuchsia')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_color_sc
hemes'MySQL ERROR(# 163) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO ertone76_color_schemes (mo
dule, name, color_code) VALUES ('ao', 'npcchat', 'bluesilver')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_color_sc
hemes'MySQL ERROR(# 164) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO ertone76_color_schemes (mo
dule, name, color_code) VALUES ('ao', 'npcdescription', 'yellow')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_color_sc
hemes'MySQL ERROR(# 165) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO ertone76_color_schemes (mo
dule, name, color_code) VALUES ('ao', 'npcemote', 'lightbeige')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_color_sc
hemes'MySQL ERROR(# 166) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO ertone76_color_schemes (mo
dule, name, color_code) VALUES ('ao', 'npcooc', 'lightbeige')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_color_sc
hemes'MySQL ERROR(# 167) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO ertone76_color_schemes (mo
dule, name, color_code) VALUES ('ao', 'npcquestion', 'lightgreen')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_color_sc
hemes'MySQL ERROR(# 168) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO ertone76_color_schemes (mo
dule, name, color_code) VALUES ('ao', 'npcsystem', 'red')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_color_sc
hemes'MySQL ERROR(# 169) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO ertone76_color_schemes (mo
dule, name, color_code) VALUES ('ao', 'npctrade', 'lightbeige')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_color_sc
hemes'MySQL ERROR(# 170) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO ertone76_color_schemes (mo
dule, name, color_code) VALUES ('ao', 'otherhitbynano', 'bluesilver')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_color_sc
hemes'MySQL ERROR(# 171) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO ertone76_color_schemes (mo
dule, name, color_code) VALUES ('ao', 'otherpet', 'darkorange')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_color_sc
hemes'MySQL ERROR(# 172) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO ertone76_color_schemes (mo
dule, name, color_code) VALUES ('ao', 'pgroup', 'white')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_color_sc
hemes'MySQL ERROR(# 173) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO ertone76_color_schemes (mo
dule, name, color_code) VALUES ('ao', 'playerhitme', 'red')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_color_sc
hemes'MySQL ERROR(# 174) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO ertone76_color_schemes (mo
dule, name, color_code) VALUES ('ao', 'seekingteam', 'seablue')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_color_sc
hemes'MySQL ERROR(# 175) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO ertone76_color_schemes (mo
dule, name, color_code) VALUES ('ao', 'seekingteam', 'seablue')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_color_sc
hemes'MySQL ERROR(# 176) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO ertone76_color_schemes (mo
dule, name, color_code) VALUES ('ao', 'shout', 'lightbeige')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_color_sc
hemes'MySQL ERROR(# 177) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO ertone76_color_schemes (mo
dule, name, color_code) VALUES ('ao', 'skillcolor', 'beige')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_color_sc
hemes'MySQL ERROR(# 178) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO ertone76_color_schemes (mo
dule, name, color_code) VALUES ('ao', 'system', 'white')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_color_sc
hemes'MySQL ERROR(# 179) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO ertone76_color_schemes (mo
dule, name, color_code) VALUES ('ao', 'team', 'seagreen')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_color_sc
hemes'MySQL ERROR(# 180) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO ertone76_color_schemes (mo
dule, name, color_code) VALUES ('ao', 'tell', 'aqua')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_color_sc
hemes'MySQL ERROR(# 181) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO ertone76_color_schemes (mo
dule, name, color_code) VALUES ('ao', 'tooltip', 'black')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_color_sc
hemes'MySQL ERROR(# 182) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO ertone76_color_schemes (mo
dule, name, color_code) VALUES ('ao', 'tower', 'lightfuchsia')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_color_sc
hemes'MySQL ERROR(# 183) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO ertone76_color_schemes (mo
dule, name, color_code) VALUES ('ao', 'vicinity', 'lightyellow')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_color_sc
hemes'MySQL ERROR(# 184) on query: INSERT IGNORE INTO ertone76_color_schemes (mo
dule, name, color_code) VALUES ('ao', 'whisper', 'dullteal')
INSERT command denied to user 'delta93'@'localhost' for table 'ertone76_color_sc
hemes'Ertone76 [SETTINGS]       [ERROR] The setting named theme for setting grou
p color does not exisit.
POSSIBLE SECURITY PROBLEM! The theme filename can only contain letters, numbers
- and _ for security reasons!
The bot has been shutdown.

C:\Program Files\bebot>pause
Press any key to continue . . .
 :o :o :o :o :o
I know that what it's basicly saying ; that  the user account that I use on MYSQL does not have permitions but i did a GRANT ALL exactly according to the bebot wiki but that happens  :'(. and when I try to load it as an administrator I get :
Unable to load Main.php... which is self explanatory but i don't know why...

Offline Shelly

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Re: Bebot never connects
« Reply #8 on: December 30, 2009, 04:00:18 am »
You may want to use a tool such as phpmyadmin from website and make sure the DBs are all correctly setup.

'user'@'localhost' is not the same as 'user'@'yourmachine' for instance.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2009, 04:02:57 am by Shelly »

Offline chrisiamnumber1

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Re: Bebot never connects
« Reply #9 on: January 07, 2010, 06:35:53 pm »
ok i fixed 1 problem the realy long one now i get the same old one i am experementing as we speek


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[January 02, 2025, 07:17:13 pm ]

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[January 02, 2025, 07:17:00 pm ]

Com bot module by bitnykk
[November 25, 2024, 05:36:11 pm ]

[AoC] special char for items module by bitnykk
[February 09, 2024, 09:41:18 pm ]

BeBot still alive & kicking ! by bitnykk
[December 17, 2023, 12:58:44 am ]

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