Archive > 0.5.x Custom/Unofficial Modules

Timer for shadowweb spinner

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--- Quote from: Kieba on June 20, 2008, 01:19:27 pm ---additionally: perhaps u can consider implement in next big release (0.6.x) a multilanguage support. surely i'll translate all strings to german for u. i know a lot of people of other countries using bebot and would be happy if there's multilinguage support.

--- End quote ---
This has been discussed in another thread.

(not sure if it's publicly availible tho)

I tried to use this bot with my existing bebot 4.3 and using the latest 0.5.0 support module and keep getting an error. Do you know if it is compatible with that module currently?

I don't know if the module can work with 0.4.3 using Temar's 0.5 support class, never tried nor used it. The core modules I use should all be available in 0.4.3 though.

About MP shield times: I'm currently reworking the module to keep track of SB times, adding shield times won't be much trouble afterwards.

About language support: up till now I never had multi-language support on my list. It would involve quiet a lot of recoding though. Personally I don't got the time for it right now.

useing this module i have improved the support module and should now work

well implement i18n is fairly too much work and surely slow down the bot.

what i'm imagine is to separate the strings of all core things and modules itself. using a setting for lang like "en", "de" etc. and require once in module that file (Trickle.php/Trickle.en/ - en/de holding the string in each lang). if *.de not available using default *.en. it should be a solution so that we can still using svn to find differences.

sorry, my english isn't that best, hoping u understand that.

but u r alright, it is much work and u r balance the matter correct if u say other speaking player r the minority.


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