Archive > 0.5.x Custom/Unofficial Modules

Slightly modified items.php


Hi, was looking for a way to return to local database for items tool, and to be able to do this, i slightly modified the code of the old 2.2 Bebot items.php.
I didn't change anything to formating, so will look rather old, but at least it works.

Edit : I looked on the forum and found Xenixa work on this function, so i basicaly reintegrated his work for the icons stuff.

--- Quote ---            
foreach ($result as $list)
   $inside .= "<img src=rdb://" . $list[5] . ">\n";
        $inside .= "<a href='itemref://" . $list[0] . "/" . $list[1] . "/" . (($ql == 0) ? $list[3] : $ql) . ">" .
   $list[4] . "</a> <font color=CCCCTextColor>[QL " .
   $list[2] . "-" . $list[3] . "]</font>\n\n";

--- End quote ---

The only thing i did on the previous work is to change the call to makeitem and make blob function :

--- Quote ---$this -> bot ->core('tools')-> make_item
--- End quote ---


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