BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

Archive => Anarchy Online Archive => 0.5.x Custom/Unofficial Modules => Topic started by: Temar on August 15, 2007, 06:02:13 pm

Title: OnlineDB.php and Is.php
Post by: Temar on August 15, 2007, 06:02:13 pm
Modified core/OnlineDB.php and modules/Is.php

Removed Disconnect stuff from onlinedb as this conflicts with reinvite
only use for disconnect is if another bot2 uses online list from bot1 the list may not be accurate

Added Reinvite so when bot starts it checks the online list for who was in pgroup , clears online list then invites those that are online still

Added Alt checking to !is
the seen part of !is Requires this OnlineDB.php

Example output is !is
Alt1 is offline, Alt2 is online
Alt1 is offline, last seen at October 2nd, 2007 15:36 on Alt2

Title: Re: OnlineDB.php and Is.php
Post by: Temar on October 02, 2007, 08:13:11 pm
Updated !is to check Alts, but the updated OnlineDB is required for last seen message
Title: Re: OnlineDB.php and Is.php
Post by: Neshire on October 03, 2007, 10:57:25 pm
gettin this : Fatal error: Call to undefined method Bot::get_uid() in D:\<mybotname\>\modules\Is.php on line 144
:( any ideas ?
Title: Re: OnlineDB.php and Is.php
Post by: Alreadythere on October 03, 2007, 11:03:54 pm
Those commands are based on the trunk version.
Title: Re: OnlineDB.php and Is.php
Post by: Neshire on October 03, 2007, 11:13:12 pm
my bad, sorry. didnt realized what category i am in.
Title: Re: OnlineDB.php and Is.php
Post by: Temar on December 05, 2007, 01:42:29 am
Updated Files to Latest SVN
Title: Re: OnlineDB.php and Is.php
Post by: Metaphblade on December 05, 2007, 07:28:01 am
i just completely updated my orgs bot (didnt re-do SQL) and when i try the !is command, it only give the character i did the !is on.  Example, i have alts

!is Metaphblade
Metaphblade is offline, last seen at December 5th, 2007 04:47

i am logged on another toon, that is in my alt list, but didnt show in the !is.  Did i do something wrong/need to edit some setting?
Title: Re: OnlineDB.php and Is.php
Post by: Temar on December 05, 2007, 07:36:59 am
There is a Setting but its on by Default
!set is
make sure the bot knows it ur alt too by doing !alts

i just tested to make sure too

[Leet] Chris05: !is chris96
[Leet] Leetboss: Chris96 is offline, Chris05 is online
Title: Re: OnlineDB.php and Is.php
Post by: Metaphblade on December 05, 2007, 07:38:45 am
yup, settings are on....and i have done an !alts.  still same thing  :(  Guess ill try restarting the bot next

edit....restarting didnt help either.
Title: Re: OnlineDB.php and Is.php
Post by: Temar on December 05, 2007, 07:52:57 am
well the code looks fine, it works fine for me

i do plan on reviewing the code and making improvement tomorrow anyway so hopefully it will work then
Title: Re: OnlineDB.php and Is.php
Post by: Metaphblade on December 05, 2007, 07:58:10 am
ok, ill just wait till then  :)
Title: Re: OnlineDB.php and Is.php
Post by: Temar on December 06, 2007, 04:52:57 am
done, i have changed the working of it alot so hopefully ur bug is gone

EDIT:Fixed a few Bugs
including what i think ur bug was.
were if your main wasnt on buddy list and wasnt the name u used for !is
the bug would use the name u used for !is and not ur main.
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