BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

Archive => Anarchy Online Archive => 0.5.x Custom/Unofficial Modules => Topic started by: khayman on December 06, 2008, 10:26:49 pm

Title: NewCity module
Post by: khayman on December 06, 2008, 10:26:49 pm
This is a new Age of Conan City building overview module.

Since we can upload you can find the module here (

I tried Madrulf's City Progression module (the one shipped with bebot) and found it too limiting. So i set out to build my own module.

The NewCity module has the following features.
* Build target - Shows a resource overview for the next building so the players can see how many resources are missing for the building to be completed.
* Tier overview - Shows a resource overview for the Tier, also shows how many items are currently in the bank.
* Random build order - With the build menu you can build your buildings in any order. It will autosubtract all resources from the cank overview
* Build all button - Builds all remaining buildings of a type (nice to use for the walls and towers)
* Build menu - No need to type anything for building, just click links.
* Demolish buildings - Possibility to remove buildings (usually if you clicked build by mistake ;)

The commands are
* !city - Member level command that displays the current build status
* !build - Displays the build menu
* !build <name> - Builds the specified building
* !build all <name> - Builds the maximum amount of the specified building
* !demolish - Displays the build menu
* !demolish <name> - Demolishes the specified building
* !demolish all <name> - Demolishes all of the specified building
* !bank - Display the bank menu
* !bank add <resource> <amount> - Add <amount> of <resource> to the bank
* !bank remove <resource> <amount> - Remove <amount> of <resource> from the bank
* !bank set <resource> <amount> - Set the amount of <resource> to <amount>
* !buildtarget <name> - Sets the buildtarget to building <name>

Please give feedback if you try it and find bugs (or if you just like it :)
Title: Re: NewCity module
Post by: Elesar1 on December 06, 2008, 11:47:40 pm
Hmm, looks interesting, will have to give it a shot :D

Will let you know if I find anything wrong.
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