This is a new Age of Conan City building overview module.
Since we can upload you can find the module here tried Madrulf's City Progression module (the one shipped with bebot) and found it too limiting. So i set out to build my own module.
The NewCity module has the following features.
* Build target - Shows a resource overview for the next building so the players can see how many resources are missing for the building to be completed.
* Tier overview - Shows a resource overview for the Tier, also shows how many items are currently in the bank.
* Random build order - With the build menu you can build your buildings in any order. It will autosubtract all resources from the cank overview
* Build all button - Builds all remaining buildings of a type (nice to use for the walls and towers)
* Build menu - No need to type anything for building, just click links.
* Demolish buildings - Possibility to remove buildings (usually if you clicked build by mistake
The commands are
* !city - Member level command that displays the current build status
* !build - Displays the build menu
* !build <name> - Builds the specified building
* !build all <name> - Builds the maximum amount of the specified building
* !demolish - Displays the build menu
* !demolish <name> - Demolishes the specified building
* !demolish all <name> - Demolishes all of the specified building
* !bank - Display the bank menu
* !bank add <resource> <amount> - Add <amount> of <resource> to the bank
* !bank remove <resource> <amount> - Remove <amount> of <resource> from the bank
* !bank set <resource> <amount> - Set the amount of <resource> to <amount>
* !buildtarget <name> - Sets the buildtarget to building <name>
Please give feedback if you try it and find bugs (or if you just like it