Archive > 0.5.x Custom/Unofficial Modules

MassMsg.php Fix


Problem with massmessage
it works fine for gc or pg but not both

Line 128

--- Code: --- $allonline = $this -> bot -> db -> select("SELECT nickname FROM #___online WHERE botname = '" . $this -> bot -> botname . "' ORDER BY nickname ASC");

--- End code ---
this sent the message to EVERYONE inc those offline

--- Code: --- $allonline = $this -> bot -> db -> select("SELECT nickname FROM #___online WHERE botname = '" . $this -> bot -> botname . "' AND (status_gc = 1 OR status_pg = 1) ORDER BY nickname ASC");

--- End code ---
should work now :p

Massmsg is really designed to do massive messages and/or invites.  So from what I can see of the original purpose, it's working as intended.

Spamming every person on the memberlist shouldn't be done off the online table in the first place, it should go off of #__users.

When it is Set to both it will invite every on online list with botname
and because even after u logoff u are still on the list just with gc and pg set to 0
it sends the message to you

Fix committed to SVN.


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