Archive > 0.5.x Custom/Unofficial Modules

Init 1.05.*

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Version 1.05.1
[*]Can now change color in game with '!color module init'

Version 1.05
[*]Updated to 0.5
[*]Changed <font> tags for BeBot's color module
[*]Changed nano to ninit to avoid problems


conversion from Init 1.05 to latest version of bebot that I found (active atm)

Following Fix

return $this->bot->make_blob(); to return $this->bot->core("tools")->make_blob(); (the pointer to core("tools") was missing) in ALL instances seen otherwise the module will just crash the bot... which can be entertaining but not so useful.

Argal - RK1

Thank you for pointing that out. It was already changed in mine, don't know why it's not here or maybe I changed it after.

just fyi there is no such critter as ##blob_subtitle##  in the 15_Color.php file for the svn version of the bot.  you will need to change all 20 of them in the file to a matching theme color or force it using <font color=010101>blah</font> type of thing.  but I would suggest looking in the 15_Color.php file for the theme colors you can use.

Or add blob_subtitle to svn? :D I use blob_subtitle for tower alert too. My point is that I'd rather have modules that use colors set by the owner. Just take Items.php, you have to modify the code to get colors matching your bot.


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