BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

Archive => Anarchy Online Archive => 0.5.x Custom/Unofficial Modules => Topic started by: Elesar1 on November 16, 2008, 01:30:53 am

Title: Custom / Revised Modules by Eldar
Post by: Elesar1 on November 16, 2008, 01:30:53 am
Ok, so here they are...Custom and Revised modules by Eldar (

Uploads Directory is not writable, so HERE THEY ARE (

Trivia - Made by Eldar
This module should be placed in the custom/modules directory.
The trivia.txt file should be placed in the extras directory.
 trivia ask - asks a random trivia question
 trivia answer (your answer here) - sends your answer to the bot.
 trivia giveup - gives up on the current question.

Recruit - Made by Eldar
This module should be placed in the custom/modules directory.
This module should be linked in a recruiting message to be sent to OOC BY A PERSON, NOT THE BOT
When a person that is interested in the guild clicks on the linked !recruit command, the bot will search for online members in the Leader and higher ranks.
If a member is found, a tell is sent to that member.
If no member is online, the interested person is notified that no officers are online atm, but they will be contacted as soon as one is online.
The bot then makes an entry in the news module with the interested persons name, class and level and requests that an officer contacts them asap, and also delete that news entry once contact is made.
 recruit - tells the bot that you are interested in joining the guild. (See above description of process)
Roll - Revised by Eldar
This is a replacement of the standard module.
This change implements a raidroll command.
!raidroll 100 Elesar Meathooks

The bot will roll once for each target with the number as the limit. The bot will then send the results to each target and to GC.

This command has a target limit of 12, and will engage the spam protection with more than 3-4 targets.

Ventrilo - Revised by Eldar
This module should be placed in the custom/modules directory.
This mostly just a formatting change.
Ventrilo channel names are now sorted as the appear in the ventrilo client.
Usernames are now yellow to help stand out from channel names.

phpBB3 integration - Made by Eldar.
Coming soon...

Upon registering, the player is asked for their main character's name.
The forum will connect to the bot and retrieve character level and class, along with all that information for any registered alts.

This is also part of our integration with phpRaider, automatically adding toons level 72+ as being able to register for raids.

Future Plans:
Retrieval of crafting class.
Implementation of TWC in a phpBB3portal block for shoutbox chatting with offline members.
Title: Re: Custom / Revised Modules by Eldar
Post by: Organizer on November 16, 2008, 02:11:20 am
Nice work mate, I'll have a closer look when I wake up :) thanks!
Title: Re: Custom / Revised Modules by Eldar
Post by: Elesar1 on November 16, 2008, 04:19:30 am
Thanks, but I can't take all credit.

Meathooks, my fellow officer/dev in Eldar did a majority of the coding, I just made suggestions and tested stuff out. :P
Title: Re: Custom / Revised Modules by Eldar
Post by: crazybama on November 17, 2008, 08:31:06 pm
so the trivia.txt goes in the extra folder in the bebot directory? or is it a different folder. When typing !triva ask it says there are no questions, but I see them in the .txt file
Title: Re: Custom / Revised Modules by Eldar
Post by: Temar on November 17, 2008, 08:42:50 pm
seems to be a bug
the folder the modules is looking at is extras
so u can put in a folder named extras for now
Title: Re: Custom / Revised Modules by Eldar
Post by: Elesar1 on November 17, 2008, 09:51:46 pm
Yes, it is a discrepancy in the code, as our bot has an extras directory as the Ventrilo module origionally called for.

We will correct that in both modules and update some time this week.
Title: Re: Custom / Revised Modules by Eldar
Post by: Vain on November 25, 2008, 03:17:02 am
seems to be a bug
the folder the modules is looking at is extras
so u can put in a folder named extras for now

if your running it in a linux environment you can:
ln -s ./extra ./extras
Title: Re: Custom / Revised Modules by Eldar
Post by: Vain on November 25, 2008, 03:56:49 am
I cant get this thing to work at all...
when i type !trivia ask i get:
 [ERROR] The setting named question for setting group trivia does not exisit.

Title: Re: Custom / Revised Modules by Eldar
Post by: Vain on November 25, 2008, 05:58:28 pm
I cant get this thing to work at all...
when i type !trivia ask i get:
 [ERROR] The setting named question for setting group trivia does not exisit.

Got it working... I had to actually start and stop the bot.
issueing a restart command didnt create the tables correctly...
Title: Re: Custom / Revised Modules by Eldar
Post by: Vain on November 25, 2008, 06:02:11 pm
I was wondering if by chance there could be categories for this mod?
!triviaset sports -- sets category to sports
!triviaset science -- sets category to science

and then have a sports.txt, science.txt in the ./extra directory?

this would be nice.
Title: Re: Custom / Revised Modules by Eldar
Post by: Organizer on November 26, 2008, 01:22:20 pm
Found the Trivia module great in the facts it's a trivia, however the amount of spam in GC when running this can't be ignored and as there are no private channels in AoC thi sis sadly not one I'll be using.

But none the less thanks again for sharing, I'm sure many don't share my opinions and will find it perfect. I just wish there would be some strange way to get it to relay to a Raid group or something...

Title: Re: Custom / Revised Modules by Eldar
Post by: Elesar1 on November 27, 2008, 06:08:26 am
I will ask my friend if he thinks it would be practical to split the trivia into different categories.

As far as the GC spam, I know what you mean. We don't really use it much, mainly when we hold guild harvesting events and nobody has anything better to do :P
Title: Re: Custom / Revised Modules by Eldar
Post by: Temar on November 27, 2008, 12:56:50 pm
here is an idea for the less clever people, multi choice Q/A
Title: Re: Custom / Revised Modules by Eldar
Post by: bookie on January 09, 2009, 06:23:29 pm
Im getting the same error as the previous poster above. When I type !trivia ask it says there are no questions.
Where exactly does trivia.txt go? Ive tried putting it in the extra folder and allso a folder I created named extras but it allways says the same thing.
Title: Re: Custom / Revised Modules by Eldar
Post by: Heffalomp on February 01, 2009, 09:30:13 pm
had to change the $online in recruit.php to get it to work in 0.6.1
Code: [Select]
$online = $this -> bot -> db -> select("SELECT t1.nickname, t2.level, org_rank, org_name FROM "
. "#___online AS t1 LEFT JOIN #___whois AS t2 ON t1.nickname = t2.nickname WHERE status_" . $channel . "=1" ." AND "
. $botstring . "ORDER BY t1.nickname");
Title: Re: Custom / Revised Modules by Eldar
Post by: Wizhk on February 03, 2009, 12:07:43 am
Can't get the Trivia module to find the Trivia Questions. I turn off and restart the bot every time.

I have now got the trivia questions in 3 separate /extras folders. one is in c:/extras/, another is in my bebot directory. c:/bebot/extras/, and finally in c:/bebot/custom/modules/extras

I have also tried renaming the trivia text file to trivia.txt

I am using Windows Vista.

Any help would be appreciated.

Title: Re: Custom / Revised Modules by Eldar
Post by: Wizhk on February 06, 2009, 12:14:22 am
Nothing on a !trivia solution?

Title: Re: Custom / Revised Modules by Eldar
Post by: Hyde on February 10, 2009, 02:33:47 am
phpBB3 integration - Made by Eldar.
Coming soon...

Upon registering, the player is asked for their main character's name.
The forum will connect to the bot and retrieve character level and class, along with all that information for any registered alts.

Any word on this one? Sounds quite interesting.
Title: Re: Custom / Revised Modules by Eldar
Post by: Arawacian on July 17, 2009, 12:57:17 pm
hmm the download page seems to be gone ....

can some one post the trivia module ?
Title: Re: Custom / Revised Modules by Eldar
Post by: shadowrik on January 02, 2010, 01:03:03 am
sure would be nice to have a link to these files...anyone know where to get them
Title: Re: Custom / Revised Modules by Eldar
Post by: shadowrik on January 13, 2010, 08:15:01 pm
I found it here (;attach=859 (;attach=859)
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