BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

Archive => Anarchy Online Archive => 0.5.x Custom/Unofficial Modules => Topic started by: Temar on April 28, 2008, 02:50:32 am

Title: Aiboss or aigen
Post by: Temar on April 28, 2008, 02:50:32 am
This is the Module that tells you What Gens Drop.

This is Made for 0.5 but will work with 0.4 if you use 0.5.0_Support.php (
Title: Re: Aiboss or aigen
Post by: Temar on May 06, 2008, 06:10:05 am

Support Module Also Update to Support core("tools")
Title: Re: Aiboss or aigen
Post by: Nytridr on May 06, 2008, 07:31:32 am
sorry hate to tell ya but <botname> dont seem to be working either..:(  going to have to update again for that also.

<a href='chatcmd:///tell {$this->bot->botname} <pre>

But for some reason I may be missing something here for this module.

Code: [Select]
To [Rsbot1]: type 300 13
[Rsbot1]: /tell Rsbot1 !help
To [Rsbot1]: lead 300
[Rsbot1]: /tell Rsbot1 !help
To [Rsbot1]: type 300 76
[Rsbot1]: /tell Rsbot1 !help
Title: Re: Aiboss or aigen
Post by: clashbot on May 27, 2008, 05:03:12 pm
the problem is that there is no "type" command...current bot only has bio or identify, but no database or command for type... <botnam> works fine for the 0.5.1 trunk
Title: Re: Aiboss or aigen
Post by: Temar on May 27, 2008, 07:07:35 pm
ill update this tonight
Title: Re: Aiboss or aigen
Post by: Baja on September 11, 2008, 09:45:40 am
I can't have this module working on my guildbot, I saved it in .php in the module folder like I did for the SWS but this one doesnt seem to answer to !aigen, !aiboss, or any !type something. I'm running the 5.2.

Did I miss anything special?
Title: Re: Aiboss or aigen
Post by: Hacre on September 14, 2008, 12:13:07 pm
Module works fine for !aiboss <name> but the links don't work.  !lead 300 etc, just says /tell botname !help
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