Archive > 0.4.x Custom/Unofficial Modules


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in all honesty, maybe someone will redo this very very helpful plug-in, using Temar's TS ideas (announcing when ppl login/log off TS) and  more "raid useful"  options -) i tried myself but I failed (bit rusty).

Announcing in chat when people log on/off seems redundant as Vent does that via voice.

1. It helps ppl who aren't logged on Vent/TS, to see in guildchat, in real-time, who is logging on/off, not just announcing ppl that are already on vent that a new client has logged.

2. Most ppl have that wave sound announcement  disabled, due to the annoying "noise" plus it interferes with the RL voice-) and it doesn't say exactly who is logging on or off.

 Anyways would be nice to have this module updated to 0.6x version. :D With our without the announcement option.


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