Archive > 0.4.x Custom/Unofficial Modules


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Module Name:
Return of the Quotes module, by Sabkor and Glarawyn!

Current Module Version:

Module Type:
Custom Module (Not Core)

Module Description:
We all say stupid things, and everyone wants to immortalize them.

Quotes 2.0.1

Changes from v2.0.0 to v2.0.1:
[*] Fixed typo on line 363.
Changes from v1.5.0 to v2.0.0:

* Updated for BeBot 0.4
* Force use of MyISAM for Quotes table. (For search index)
* Quotes table can is shared between bots.
* Using Settings module instead of internal settings.
* Change addslashes() to mysql_real_escape_string()

Importing your Quotes from BeBot 0.2 to BeBot 0.4

* 1: Backup your existing quotes table:
# mysqldump --add-drop-table <olddatabase> --tables quotes -u <username> -p > quotes.sql

* 2: If you will be using the same database, drop your existing quotes table.
# mysql -u <user> -p <olddatabase>
mysql> DROP TABLE quotes;

* 3: Start your bot with the quotes module loaded.

* 4: Restore your quotes!
# mysql -u <user> -p <newdatabase> < quotes.sql

* 5: (Optional) Update the botname for your restored quotes.
# mysql -u <user> -p <olddatabase>
mysql> UPDATE quotes SET botname = 'Botname' WHERE botname = 'Import';

That's it, you're done.

line 363...

--- Code: ---$inside = "Quotes Matching ".$searchterm.": \n\n";);
--- End code ---

should be
--- Code: ---$inside = "Quotes Matching ".$searchterm.": \n\n";
--- End code ---

[29-Jul-2007 20:48:58] PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected ')' in C:\Bebot\custom\modules\Quotes.php on line 363

Makes me a sad panda :(

EDIT: Didn't read Dracutza's line properly. Good show old bean ;) Now works beautifully

While I don't know what the properly function mod is supposed to do, making my edit appears to break the search function if there are 2+ quotes with the same search phrase.

For example, !search Tziganca, when there is just one quote with Tziganca, works as intended.
/tell bot !search Tziganca
bot: Blah blah Tziganca

However, when there are two quotes with Tziganca, the bot give a blank reply
/tell bot !search Tziganca

So while that edit does enable the mof to run, I don't know if it's the proper edit to make it work.


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