About the module:This module will automatically update the a web page with the bot members who are currently online in game. The updates are done with a simple web query. All data sent between the bot and web site is encrypted. Because an authenticated web query is used to update online. your chat bot and web page display can be on different computers. BeBot simply needs to be able to load a web page on your web server.
Commands provided by WebOnline.php:/tell yourbot !webonline
This forces the bot to update the online display and gives you a debug click window. This command is disabled by default and has to be enabled using /tell yourbot !commands tell.
Installation (BeBot Module):
Extract BeBot_WebOnline_1.0.0.zip. Move BeBot_WebOnline/BeBot/custom/modules/WebOnline.php to your custom/modules directory.
Requirements (BeBot Module):
You will need to have the mcrypt and mhash PHP modules available. Windows users should use the full PHP installation from
www.php.net, not the BeBot PHP distribution. *NIX users should consult the PHP documentation for their distribution.
Setup (BeBot Module):
To use the module you have to set the modules settings.
/tell botname !set webonline UpdateURL
http://www.somesite.com/AOWebOnline/update_online.php/tell Guildbot set webonline key SomeEncryptionKey
The encryption key can be anything you want, though I would recommend using something long and random.
Requirements (Web Site):
Webserver with PHP support.
Required PHP modules: mcrypt, mhash, sqlite.
Installation (Web Site):
Extract the zip file. Place the contents of the www directory on your web server. Your webserver needs to have write access to the online.sq2 (SQLite 2 Database) file.
Setup (Web Site):
Edit config.php. The key must be exactly the same as the key set in your BeBot settings (above). dppath should point to the SQLite database file.
Demo:Sentinels Online PlayersDownload:BeBot_WebOnline_1.0.0.zip