Idea came from
hereI made it with database.
* Put Alliance1.php and Bot.php in your /custom/modules/
* Does not work if you run 2 bots on same database, fast fix is to change name of database to one of bots. Exemple from bots to bots1.
* As said by Nogoal, you need add bots to Leader Group.
Commands:[tell] !bot <botname> - Adds <botname to database.
[tell] !botlist - Shows all Bots and theyr Organization.
[tell] !botremove <botname> - Removes <botname from database.
[GC] !r <msg> - To chat with Allied Guilds.
* Nothing really.

*Got the Guild name showing and removed the add of guildname needed. Made it automatly

*Fixed a typo that made bot restart.
PLEASE REDOWNLOAD IT AND IF YOU ALREADY ADDED BOTS TO DATABASE, REMOVE THEM WITH !Botremove, and Re-add them with the new command, !bot <botname>.