Archive > 0.3.x Custom/Unofficial Modules

Fixed Alts.php for 0.3.4

<< < (2/3) > >>

Working here on a clean SVN working copy.

What settings did you alter?

the word settings

--- Code: --- $this -> bot -> set -> create("Alts", "Security", TRUE, "Should security restrictions be enabled to prevent users from gaining higher access levels by adding alts with higher access level when Usealts for the security module is enabled?");

--- End code ---
im running 0.3.4 with few slight changes not svn

if i wanted to download the entire SVN version whats best way to do it?

Best way is to use a SVN client like SmartSVN.

I might consider setting up a nightly snapshot, but i really dont think there is enough demant to warrant it atm.

i got wat u said how do i set it up?


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