AutoMemberThis Module will Automaticly add Users who Join the Private Group to Member List
After you Get this and restart your bot you need to turn it on
/tell botname !set
and click AutoMember
also You can Use the Faction and Minlevel setting from flexible security if you want
Dont turn Restrict on if you are not useing Flexible Security as it will Prob Add nobody
Your can Now Set it to Remove member when they leave Guest Channel
You can Have Temp Member on if you want it to ONLY delete temp member and will not delete your normal members
AutoMemberCleanPart of the Module will Clean your Member List For you
at the moment the only seting is level
there is a safe list to add people above that level you dont want to be deleted
i didnt see a point with having the lower than level so its only higher than XX level
default set to 220 so thats 221+ so no 1 (exept maybe a GM)
How to Usecleansafe add <name> " add to Safe list "
cleansafe del <name> " Delete from safe list "
cleansafe rem <name> " Delete from safe list "
cleannow " Make it do a Clean now, altho it should do every 24hr and on bot boot "
Any more changed Etc Please reply to topic

oh and dont forget to turn on and set my module with !set AutoMember and !set AutoMemberClean
Change Log15/07/07 - Changed AutoMemberClean so it Only Checks Level of Members and not those already Deleted
15/07/07 - Add Option to Send Extra Msg to People That get Removed by AutoMemberClean
16/07/07 - Some bugs Fixed inc a delay because of Spaming blocking tells
17/07/07 - Few more Minor Bug Fixes
Moved to 0.4 Forum Clicky **