And heres an example for Guild bots:
* LogonNotify_GUILD.php -
* BeBot - An Anarchy Online Chat Automaton
* Copyright (C) 2004 Jonas Jax
* Developed by Blondengy (RK1)
* Special thanks goes out to Khalem (RK1) for his support.
* File last changed at $LastChangedDate: 2004-12-29 01:41:32 +0100 (Wed, 29 Dec 2004) $
* Revision: $Id$
$LogonNotify = new LogonNotify($bot);
$commands["buddy"][] = &$LogonNotify;
$commands["connect"][] = &$LogonNotify;
The Class itself...
class LogonNotify
var $bot;
var $start;
Hands over a referance to the "Bot" class.
function LogonNotify (&$bot)
$this -> bot = &$bot;
This gets called if a buddy logs on/off
function buddy($name, $msg)
if ($this -> start < time())
if ($this -> bot -> is_member($name) == 1)
if ($msg == 1)
// A generic welcome message example
$this -> bot -> send_tell($name, "Welcome to " . $this -> bot -> guildname . " " . $name);
// Lets show the online list
$this -> bot -> commands["tell"]["online"] -> tell($name, "online");
// Lts show the news too
$this -> bot -> commands["tell"]["news"] -> tell($name, "news");
This gets called when bot connects
function connect()
$this -> start = time() + $this -> bot -> crondelay;