Archive > 0.2.x Custom/Unofficial Modules

Updated bebot to PHP5 + new Online,Loot and teammodule

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First of all, if you want to use this updates, be aware that other official updates might not work as intended. That being said, I think these updates are alot better :D . Second, you MUST update to PHP5. The change from PHP4 to PHP5 is severe when it comes to how objects are handled. Don't think any of these modules will work with PHP4 (Haven't tested though, just take my word for it ;)). Third, ONLY do this if you have a pure raidbot. I've taken away some functionality for guild and so on.

First you need PHP5:

In this zip file you will find php.exe, php5ts.dll,php_bz2.dll, php_mysql.dll and php_sockets.dll. Copy them to your Bot-root-folder and overwrite the current ones.

AOChat v1.17:
AOChat v1.17

Also copy to your bot-root folder.

You now have to make a folder called "includes" in your botfolder, and put these files there: includes

Now, after a while coding on the bot, I realised that a many modules are dependent on who is in the bot and so on. All my future releases will be dependent on the new online module, but the current ones don't.

Online module

I also strongly recommend to update main.php and bot.php. I think I've done some fixes there  :shock:

New lootmodule, needs it's own table of items...I got tired of waiting for updates here, so I made my own.

import this by doing: source /path/items.sql on the mysql commandline.
Loot module

Teamsmodule, same as earlier released for PHP4 with some corrections for PHP5:
Teams module

New _items.php

Updated loot module with loot history and fixed a bug. Just type !loothistory, and you should see the last 15 items won. There are also Previous/Next links in the blob to see older loot.

Ooh, shiny.

Nice work.  :D

Forgot to upload new _items.php to put in the include folder. Also did a little bugfix on the instant translator for Bio Material in the loot module, so everyone should get that one as well...

You propably want to change the PHP5 link since the php-5.1.0b3 isn't working with AOChat, but for example version php-5.0.4 does.

Plus in addition to copy those files that are in your guide you need to create php.ini to the bot root folder, containing at leat:

--- Code: ---
extension_dir = ./


--- End code ---


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