I wrote a couple short scripts that allow BeBot to run directly as a Windows service, without needing FireDaemon or srvany. It uses the PHP win32service extension, so I think it will only work with PHP5 and up.
The Win32Service module will replace the functionality of the Shutdown module, but only if ran as a service. If not running as a service, it will silently not load itself, falling back on Shutdown's functionality.
service.php will install, remove, start, and stop the service, as well as providing the service startup code.
To install, extract the scripts to the BeBot directory. Install the
win32service extension. You will probably need to change php.ini to refer to the absolute path to php's extensions directory.
Then just
php service.php install to install as a service. You can start and stop the service through the standard mechanisms, like the services mmc snapin or
net start AOBeBot. You can also start it with
php service.php start.
This module isn't very well tested but seems to function fine. There are versions built for 0.2.8 and 0.3.3.