BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

Archive => Anarchy Online Archive => 0.2.x Custom/Unofficial Modules => Topic started by: Xenixa on September 02, 2005, 01:52:22 am

Title: Rooster_GUILD.php Updated(2005-12-13)
Post by: Xenixa on September 02, 2005, 01:52:22 am
Updated to Include Alien Rank and Level since I couldn't find one that had already been Modified.
For use in showing AI Level and Rank in Online and Logon modules.

Will require you to Drop the current members table to populate new data.

EDIT: New update. Added the commands member (Allows Manual Editing of Roster) and members (For viewing total members). Use what ever pre-command syntax you set for your bot (aka the ever popular '!')
It's basically modified code from Rooster_RAID.php insterted to work in Rooster_GUILD.php ... The cron job is untouched.

NOTE: If you are using my previous update to this module there is no need to Drop member table. Just replace with new copy(link above) and restart bot.
Uses same help files from the bot core install.
Title: Rooster_GUILD.php Updated(2005-10-21)
Post by: Plac3bo on October 05, 2005, 10:39:11 am
I exchanged my rooster_guild with this code, but the login still doesnt show the alien level when someone logs on, but the database has the alien level in it..
Title: Rooster_GUILD.php Updated(2005-10-21)
Post by: Xenixa on October 05, 2005, 11:19:09 am
Ya, you'll need to modify your Logon_GUILD.php file to show that info.
Fortunatly, I've already done that. :) Also updated Online.php to show AI level.

My updated versions that work with this Rooster_GUILD.php are here:

BTW, back up your existing files before replacing with the ones above... just incase.
Title: Rooster_GUILD.php Updated(2005-10-21)
Post by: Xenixa on October 17, 2005, 11:41:33 am
Updated Online.php again.

* Removed the commands for serperate professions since it wasn't working anyway.
* Added Announcements for Parts and Joins to Guest/Privatechannel in the Guild Channel.

I.E "Joeblow has Joined the Guest Channel."

Link in post above

Edit: Now If I could just figure out why it's not placing AFK after a members name in the online list when they mark themselves AFK.
Title: Rooster_GUILD.php Updated(2005-10-21)
Post by: Enian on October 18, 2005, 12:17:15 pm
Wow, very nice job  :P
Its exactly what i was looking for  :)
Title: Rooster_GUILD.php Updated(2005-10-21)
Post by: Xenixa on October 19, 2005, 06:37:38 am
Fixed the AFK issue in Online.php I have listed above. Should show AFK status if you are using AFK.php from Crazied.

AFK.php is here if you need it. (http://
Title: Rooster_GUILD.php Updated(2005-10-21)
Post by: Xenixa on October 21, 2005, 08:06:57 pm
See edit in first post. :D
Title: Re: Rooster_GUILD.php Updated(2005-12-13)
Post by: Xenixa on December 13, 2005, 09:49:28 am
I just discovered I completely missed something when I updated this last.
When I added the ability to add/remove members manually, I remembered to make sure the code for removing members from Buddy List was there but forgot to check if when adding Members to the Members table it also added them to the Buddy list so they show up on the Online list right away. Previously our Org recruiters were doing !is after !member

So anywho I've updated it(again) to add Members to Bots Buddy list if they are added Manually. Otherwise the Cron job still takes care of it if not added manually.
Linked copy in first Post contains this update now.

EDIT: Re-edited it, realized I updated a copy that was using slightly different column names for AI Level and AI Title. Matches whats in the SVN now.
Title: Re: Rooster_GUILD.php Updated(2005-10-21)
Post by: Akarah on December 13, 2005, 09:54:43 am
i still feel really strange running a module named after a male chicken :p
Title: Re: Rooster_GUILD.php Updated(2005-12-13)
Post by: Khalem on December 13, 2005, 06:56:47 pm
The names i used for the official version might not have been the best unfortunately, but consistency is good :)

And i'll be fixing up the module name later. Strange things often comes from not having English as a first language :P
Title: Re: Rooster_GUILD.php Updated(2005-12-13)
Post by: Akarah on December 13, 2005, 08:22:04 pm
And i'll be fixing up the module name later. Strange things often comes from not having English as a first language :P

yes definitely.. imagine if i was trying to code for a primarily norwegian audience, for example.. the only words i know are "jeg har" and i probably couldn't use them right anyway ;)

i am pretty consistently amazed at all the people able to speak english as well as they do, considering how tricky english can be sometimes (look at all the americans who can't even speak it properly ;) )
Title: Re: Rooster_GUILD.php Updated(2005-12-13)
Post by: Naturalistic on December 13, 2005, 09:29:16 pm
But we just remember where Americans are, and just let it slide :P
Title: Re: Rooster_GUILD.php Updated(2005-12-13)
Post by: neongen on May 19, 2006, 04:10:29 pm
i'm lost  :-\

i get a

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class online in C:\bebot\moduels\Online.php on line 35


Warning: include_once(_Colors.php): failed to open stream: no such file or directory in C:\bebot\modules\afk.php on line 10

Warning: include_once(): failed opening '_colors.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:\php5\pear') in C:\bebot\modules\afk.php on line 10

how do i fix this ???

Just fund out that i don\t have _colors.php can someone pleass post it for me ???
Title: Re: Rooster_GUILD.php Updated(2005-12-13)
Post by: Jarras on May 19, 2006, 05:29:31 pm
Title: Re: Rooster_GUILD.php Updated(2005-12-13)
Post by: captainwinky on May 21, 2006, 07:04:18 am
(removed old issues that are no longer problems :p )

another EDIT:  i think AI level is working now.  i tried removing the members table again just to be sure, and that did seem to make a difference for some reason. 
problem i am facing now is that Rooster_GUILD is not executing when i start the bot... so we 'don't have any members'...  ???
have reverted to old Rooster_GUILD for the time being.  hoping to learn what is wrong here though as my setup is almost complete for my org's needs due to the great work being done here on BeBot :)  (thanks to all coders)
Title: Re: Rooster_GUILD.php Updated(2005-12-13)
Post by: captainwinky on May 21, 2006, 02:49:38 pm
just read all the posts in Experimental Roost_GUILD.php.  looks excellent :)
trying it out now, and so far so good.
very nice work.
Title: Re: Rooster_GUILD.php Updated(2005-12-13)
Post by: Plac3bo on May 26, 2006, 04:04:03 pm
so... I downloaded the new version and dropped members table just to be sure.. and we had 0 members online and rooster update never started... something is bugged I think  :-\
Title: Re: Rooster_GUILD.php Updated(2005-12-13)
Post by: Xenixa on May 27, 2006, 03:14:46 pm
so... I downloaded the new version and dropped members table just to be sure.. and we had 0 members online and rooster update never started... something is bugged I think  :-\

The one included in this thread or the one I have marked as experimental? Both should kick off the cron job shortly after the bot is started even with no members online.

Just performed a test on my test version of the 0.3.4 version of bebot(belongs to my test guild with a whole 10 members, yay for froob accounts) using my experimental version. BTW, I consider it done and no longer experimental for my purposes. Also its not tested on 0.2.x versions of the bot core.
Title: Re: Rooster_GUILD.php Updated(2005-12-13)
Post by: Plac3bo on May 29, 2006, 08:27:03 am
I am using 2.x bot, nor quite sure wich version. I havent upgraded it in a while since I have som many modules and modifications made to it, scared it will get broken again.
Title: Re: Rooster_GUILD.php Updated(2005-12-13)
Post by: Plac3bo on June 15, 2006, 10:30:44 am
I run this with latest 2.x release, cause I cant get the 3.x releases to work, its just on a test guild with 12ish members.. but I cant get it to do rooster update.. Ive had it on for 2 hours, and still no rooster update, anyway to force the rooster update to run? and it wont listen to any characters, not even the hardcoded superadmins in conf file.. I really want to use this updated file for the !member reason. And the Online.php does not work either, get a error that says

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class online in /home/bothead/hunters2/modules/Online.php on line 35
Connected to MySQL

I just rename Online.php to _Online.php
any input on this would be appreciated..

edit: Online.php goes in core folder, and not in modules folder.. I figured it out :) but still doesnt run rooster update.
Title: Re: Rooster_GUILD.php Updated(2005-12-13)
Post by: exxie on December 20, 2006, 01:25:06 pm
all links from Xenixa somehow down. anybody else who can pass me the files?

edit: just noticed it's a dynamic host, hope Xenixa will be back online soon :-/
Title: Re: Rooster_GUILD.php Updated(2005-12-13)
Post by: Malosar on December 20, 2006, 02:59:45 pm
Here's an even further updated one included builtin lastseen and notifications on org leave/join/kick. You will need to drop your current member table and let it recreate.
Title: Re: Rooster_GUILD.php Updated(2005-12-13)
Post by: exxie on December 20, 2006, 03:24:41 pm
ah, that's cool. thanks!
Title: Re: Rooster_GUILD.php Updated(2005-12-13)
Post by: pusikas on December 21, 2006, 05:38:41 pm
It doesnt want to update the members table for me. No error messae just:
[2006-12-21 16:37:25]   [ROSTER]        [UPDATE]        Starting roster update
[2006-12-21 16:37:35]   [ROSTER]        [UPDATE]        Roster update complete. Added  members, removed .
This is right after I installed the module, stopped the bot, dropped the old members table and started the bot again. :( Members Table stays empty. Trying this with a 0.2.10 bot, btw. After I reinstalled the old module and dropped the new, but empty members table, the roster update worked, and took considerably longer than with the new module. I have the feeling the new one isn't even trying. :)
Title: Re: Rooster_GUILD.php Updated(2005-12-13)
Post by: pusikas on December 22, 2006, 01:57:15 pm
OK, found my problem, very simple: ran the roster update at the wrong time. Seems like FC server was updating itself/down. :)
Title: Re: Rooster_GUILD.php Updated(2005-12-13)
Post by: ilon on January 06, 2007, 10:28:55 am
i still need an modified online.php, anyone got one laying around? my members table now includes AI levels, but dosnt show up on !online list :)
Title: Re: Rooster_GUILD.php Updated(2005-12-13)
Post by: pusikas on January 06, 2007, 02:28:03 pm
That's in another thread...,235.0.html (,235.0.html)

But it sounds like you are getting somewhere as well now. :) Good to hear.
Title: Re: Rooster_GUILD.php Updated(2005-12-13)
Post by: jjones666 on January 23, 2007, 01:53:34 pm
Please see,288.45.html (,288.45.html) for latest discussion on this module...

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