BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton
Archive => Anarchy Online Archive => 0.2.x Custom/Unofficial Modules => Topic started by: Glarawyn on December 31, 2006, 07:53:38 am
The Partybot Teams module mimics exactly the lft and teams assignment functionality of Beaker's Partybot ( I don't know if Beaker actually released the lft/teams assignment module in the download of partybot. This module is entirely new code, but is coded to look and behave the same way as Partybot does.
The usage is simple:
Everyone types lft in the bot channel (or tell.)
A raid leder brings up the teams window by typing !teams.
The raid leader can then assign people to teams 1 - 6.
To move someone from one team to the next, the raid leader puts the person back on the lft list then assigns them to a new team.
If anyone has raided with Sentinels on RK1, you have seen this process in action. We've gotten lots of feedback that people love the way our bot does teams and they want it for their bot...well now finally BeBot has it.
Helpfiles are included if this quick description doesn't make sense, but it's all click menu based so you shouldn't have any trouble figuring it out. Enjoy!
Download: (
You don't have permission to access /bebot/PBTeams/ on this server.
chmod 644
All better. ;D ;D ;D
Thanks, I'll test module tomorrow :-)
Installed it, seems to me like the links in the !teams window arent getting the command prefix. My bot uses "!". But the link to assign myself to team 2 looks like "/tell bot team player", which doesn't work ofc.
Edit: I tried just adding a <pre> before all commands, that is about as far as my programming expertise goes. Works now for me, very cool module, thanks Glarawyn. :) I attached the modified version, just in case.