BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

Archive => Anarchy Online Archive => 0.2.x Custom/Unofficial Modules => Topic started by: jjones666 on October 20, 2006, 02:58:01 am

Title: Modified Privgroup (Guild bot)
Post by: jjones666 on October 20, 2006, 02:58:01 am
Designed for guildbot guest chat prinicipally:

- based on Bebot standard privgroup.php.
- all commands (kick/invite) work in GC.
- bot is more verbose in GC/privategroup (says who was invited and by who, who was kicked and by who).
- sanity checks added (can't kick someone that isn't in guest chat, can't invite someone that is already in guest chat etc).
- pgroup online list now stored in database (pgroup table).
Title: Re: Modified Privgroup (Guild bot)
Post by: Naturalistic on October 20, 2006, 07:25:36 am
Added in to notify when someone joins or leaves the privategroup. Sends to pgroup and guild chat.

Nice and simple module though :) Would be good for others to learn from.
Title: Re: Modified Privgroup (Guild bot)
Post by: jjones666 on February 11, 2007, 11:29:06 pm
- cosmetic fixes to prevent returns being quoted wrongly to privategroup.

Remember if you don't use the modified !online module, you can add code to announce joins and departs like so (as the functions exist already in the module, you just need to add the notification line and not a whole new function):

Code: [Select]
    function pgjoin($name)
$this -> bot -> send_gc($name ." has joined the guest channel");

    function pgleave($name)
$this -> bot -> send_gc($name ." has left the guest channel");

Title: Re: Modified Privgroup (Guild bot)
Post by: Csavarkulcs on February 17, 2007, 05:31:29 pm
how can i open the guest (privgroup) channel to anyone?
Title: Re: Modified Privgroup (Guild bot)
Post by: pusikas on February 17, 2007, 11:21:17 pm
You can either !invite (one-time only) him, or make him !guest. Guests can invite themselves, iirc. Just have to send the bot a tell with !join.
Title: Re: Modified Privgroup (Guild bot)
Post by: Csavarkulcs on February 18, 2007, 12:01:11 am
You can either !invite (one-time only) him, or make him !guest. Guests can invite themselves, iirc. Just have to send the bot a tell with !join.
well, that is my problem. i don't want to invite or make him/her guest, i'd like to open the guest channel to the public....
Title: Re: Modified Privgroup (Guild bot)
Post by: Csavarkulcs on February 18, 2007, 01:22:03 pm
problem solved.
in bot php around line 313:

if ($this -> is_member($user) or ($this -> guildbot))

i know this is maybe a big hole in the means of security, but i wanted an open bot, now i got it.
Title: Re: Modified Privgroup (Guild bot)
Post by: pusikas on February 18, 2007, 01:56:20 pm
We had something like that for our org in the past. Just used two bots. One for most of the org business and a raidchannel, another one for a public guestchannel.Shutting down that public guestchat was just switching off the bot. I really like BeBot's !relay command, but using two bots has some undeniable advantages. :)
Dunno what the second bot was... ign I think, but not sure. Something where you could switch off security easily.
Title: Re: Modified Privgroup (Guild bot)
Post by: Csavarkulcs on February 18, 2007, 03:46:20 pm
Not a bad idea, but since i have to pay for bot hosting....
Currently we have ign bots, but it's annoyingly unstable. I don't know why, maybe our extra charachers (like áé?ú?óüö) make it crash, maybe not. Still, we aren't a big org and we stay out from pvp (bs excl) and towers too (got a site atm, but w/o fight), so not a big deal if anyone can do !online for example...
Title: Re: Modified Privgroup (Guild bot)
Post by: pusikas on February 19, 2007, 12:20:52 am
Dunno how your hosting works, but on my little crappy linux server, I can run like 5 bebots in parallel without trouble. and that is a 300MHz machine...
Title: Re: Modified Privgroup (Guild bot)
Post by: Csavarkulcs on February 19, 2007, 09:14:43 am
I pay a fixed amount after each bot i want to be hosted. But this is a little offtopic now....
Title: Re: Modified Privgroup (Guild bot)
Post by: pusikas on February 19, 2007, 11:14:26 am
Uhm, yeah. Offtopic, but I understand now.  ;D
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