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Author Topic: AIcity Module  (Read 3760 times)

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Offline nebhyper

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AIcity Module
« on: January 23, 2007, 09:51:04 pm »
This module is merely a set of custom commands tobe used in your org during AI raids to give status.

I got sick of people logging in and not using !cloak (!city) to see if there is a raid or simply asking in chat and having them show up in a raid to "Check my shop."

So I made these simple commands that can be quickly typed in chat.

Each command uses this format:
::[City Announcement]:: Important Message From: NAME : HARD_CODED_MESSAGE

Note: I like colors so I hardcoded colors.  I'm sure someoen can modify it to use the colors module out there but I didn't do it that way.  Feel free to make is easier to change desired colors.

!gen (!general)
 -- Announces that the general is in the city and to avoid the city.

 -- Announces the ground raid is over and city is safe to enter.

 -- Announces city is unsafe to enter and ground raid is on going.

 -- Announces that the raid has gone bad and help is needed clearing teh aliens from the city.

I have included the php and the help file.  The help file is grouped as one file and includes !city and !cloak.  Feel free to break it into each command but I just use it as one file so all city AI commands can be found in one place.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2007, 09:52:39 pm by nebhyper »
Siocuffin (Squad Commander of United Notum Federation)
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Re: AIcity Module
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2007, 10:23:25 pm »
Heheh, I rewrote my logon routine to check if a AI City raid was in progress. If there is one the bot sends a tell in bright Red with city status to the org member logging. Of course that doesn't help if they logged in the city.
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Offline nebhyper

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Re: AIcity Module
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2007, 10:37:52 pm »
I thought about rewriting the logon so it does that but I realised more people notice messages in org chat than tell.  Atleast in my org.  I have the bot set to send MOTD and !online to someone that logs on but people still do !online when they login.  When i ask if they saw thier tell they always say "NO." or "I never pay attention to tells."

This way they have no excuse to be ignoring org chat.

And yea, if they are in the city when they log on they get an arse chewing.  We always tell people to never log off in the city with the exception of the HQ as you can grid out of it without messing up a raid.

Maybe some one will find these useful.
Siocuffin (Squad Commander of United Notum Federation)
alts: Nebhyper, Nebalmighty.

Offline Malosar

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Re: AIcity Module
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2007, 10:53:08 pm »
An alternative is setting a delay for the notification in a tell from the org bot so it's completely separated from the logon and motd. Personally the less spam in orgchat the better from the bot (there's already enough from logon, towers, usual commands etc) and having a notification in org chat everytime someone logs on during a raid would be too much.
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Offline nebhyper

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Re: AIcity Module
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2007, 10:58:58 pm »
Tower spam is annoying and since there is already an game channel that announces those i have disabled all but oour orgs tower messages.

My commands above only send an announcement when someone types in chat or via tell one of the commands.  So it doesn't spam when they logon nor does it spam them in tell. 

Just look at it and you will see it is passive.  That is it waits for  acommand to be typed not a logon event.
Siocuffin (Squad Commander of United Notum Federation)
alts: Nebhyper, Nebalmighty.


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